Sunday, June 5, 2022

Interesting Comment Thread Regarding...


 The Uvalde Shooting   ( found at Anonymous Conservative's Hideout )


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Scroll the comments over there if you like.


  1. The surveillance aircraft thing was interesting. Reminds me of the Stingray technology used as fake cell towers around DC and then mounted under aircraft that flew over ferguson MO. Baltimore and then Kenosha and other places. However i did see a conflicting comment on the date of the flight may 24 one commenter stated the shooting was the 25th which it wasn't. Who is that guy.

    I have come across Roosh over the last few years. He seems to be a right minded guy.

    My Bidet voter friend in chicago and I discussed recently the occurrences. He is of the mind why do you need an AR. Over the next day or two it got me to actually thinking about it. I had that eureka moment where I discovered it wasn't about owning an AR it's about the little freedoms we get to enjoy without goobermint interference. They get the guns all the little freedoms go with it.

    As my Dad said to me and my brother in our early teens, "when they come for the guns, it's over". Strange, that statement was made 50 years ago. When younger I remember Grampa's bumper sticker on his mercury with a hand holding a revolver, "they can have my gun when they pry it out of my cold dead fingers".

    1. The left is pushing electric cars but not the infrastructure to support them. The only conclusion is that they don’t want the common people to have the freedom that comes with personal transportation, the freedom to come and go as we please. They just hate freedom, which is why they also oppose cash and guns. It really is that simple.

  2. Textbook false flag. And there's going to be more.

  3. It may be time to stop talking on the internet.

    1. By the time it gets to that point, it's already too late. Which it probably already is.


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