Thursday, May 19, 2022

"Who's Behind The Door?"....


  Sure, The LGB KlownKar from 50 feet is a laughing joke of immeasurable stupidity and idiocracy given

the daily flood of information we see regarding the three ring circus.

The Ministry of Truth came and went faster than a boys first handjob. 

Kamalawaladingdong speeches are basically incoherent ramblings.

 The new press secretary hired for color and sexual preference over ability.

The daily list of things goes on and on.

 It's bizarre to say the least.


Mentally stepping outside the tent for a moment of fresh air, closing your eyes and tilting your head

back to feel the warm sunshine on your face, ask yourself:

"Are the people behind the scenes, 

the Ones that are in controlling the strings,

the Ones that are making the decisions,

the Ones that are presenting this sideshow circus of the amazing absurdity,

the Ones funding the continuous bullshit for the populace to point and laugh at,

 are they just as inept and dysfunctional as what is presented face value?"

If so, God help us.


I doubt it. I think they are just fucking with us.



  1. it is the clowns behind the curtain that we need to know, so when the time comes we can repay them for all that they did to us.

  2. Snip and (my comments)

    (History doesn't always repeats but it often rhymes, the Failing Roman Empire vs the USA perhaps?)

    (First please don't assume the Politicians are the Ones behind the scenes. By definition they ARE the Scene. The Distraction for those BEHIND the scenes) (Biden is a distraction, he cannot even order his own ice-cream)

    "Bread and circuses" (or bread and games; from Latin: panem et circenses) is a metonymic phrase referring to superficial appeasement. It is attributed to Juvenal, a Roman poet active in the late first and early second century CE, and is used commonly in cultural, particularly political, contexts.

    In a political context, the phrase means to generate public approval, not by excellence in public service or public policy, but by diversion, distraction, or by satisfying the most immediate or base requirements of a populace,[1] by offering a palliative: for example food (bread) or entertainment (circuses).

    Juvenal, who coined the phrase, used it to decry the "selfishness" of common people and their neglect of wider concerns.[2][3][4] The phrase implies a population's erosion or ignorance of civic duty as a priority.[5]

    (Selling their Votes to those that Promise the Most Goodies, I witnessed during the Trump vs the Witch election a Democratic "Get the vote Out operation where College students were being paid with a slice or two of Pizza and a Soda to fill out their ballot to Vote for Hillary. OUT OF STATE Student Vote Harvesting at it's worse)

    (NOW they just FAKE the Votes, 2000 mules style, why waste pizza, NO Biden free Pizza last time)

    Roman politicians passed laws in 140 CE to keep the votes of poorer citizens by introducing a grain dole: giving out cheap food and entertainment, "bread and circuses", became the most effective way to rise to power.

    (EBT baby, WIC and so on. All "Bread" to keep the mob docile until they NEED them to do limited controlled rioting)

    Juvenal here makes reference to the Roman practice of providing free wheat to Roman citizens as well as costly circus games and other forms of entertainment as a means of gaining political power. The Annona (grain dole) was begun under the instigation of the popularis politician Gaius Sempronius Gracchus in 123 BCE; it remained an object of political contention until it was taken under the control of the autocratic Roman emperors.

    (OH, and Now they are trying hard to cripple up our food growing-distribution system with fertilizer shortage, baby food issues, diesel shortages and I BET when the farmers NEED Propane for drying the harvest THAT TOO will be shockingly missing)

    The Powers that BE want the USA ruined and tossed into the trash heap of History as they enable their World Economic Forum dreams of "You'll own Nothing and Be Happy".

    Distracting us with "Bread and circuses" until their PLAN to reduce the Population of the World with Famine occurs.

    Holodomor LOOK IT UP.

    Plant potatoes, starvation is the tyrants cheapest weapon.

  3. They are indeed fucking with us. First, depopulation. Then, gun control, digital currency and total subjugation. But hey, at least we still have our bread and circus.

  4. Yes, fucking with us. And they will not stop, ever, until they ARE stopped. Permanently. The question is, do enough of us have the will?

    1. When one does have the will the media spins it to a lone wolf mass shooter type thing. Some crazy white nationalists hurts poor innocent people with a big scary gun!! WE MUST BAN ALL GUNS NOW!!!

      Even if there is civil war 2.0, eventually there will be different factions with different view points and different opinions and it’ll just be more of the same. The only thing that will have changed is the names, but the actors will still be the same. Someone is taking kickbacks and bribes, someone else is cheating to win an election.

      Their best bet is to leave me alone, don’t make it personal. There are hundreds of thousands if not more of people like me that just want to be left alone.

    2. when the time comes, you might be amazed or shocked by it

  5. Humiliation Ritual writ large.

    Humiliation comes between Capitulation and Elimination, just like Sympathy is between Shit and Syphillus.

  6. "are they just as inept and dysfunctional as what is presented face value?"

    They're Demonrats, what more do you need to know to answer the question.

    Just look at the Carter, Clinton and Obozo admins. Every one of their policies caused harm to country. The only thing that sorta kept Clinton in line was an overwhelming Republican CONgress led by Gingrich. Then the Demonrats found all of Newt's skeletons and disposed of him. Newt and others in the GOP found Clinton's peccadillo's and tied him up for most of his second administration. The good economy during Clinton's second admin had NOTHING to do with him. CONgress had him by the short hairs and squeezed, so he went along, that and the normal business cycle pendulum swinging back to the plus side after the debacle of Bush1's tax hike.

    Just remember the words that make up Demonrat, especially first part. That's a story all its own. Then look at Joe Buydem and ask yourself, how is it that a major CRIMINAL and traitor is the sitting President of the United States? Yeh, I know Demonrats stole the election. However, there have been stories about the Buydem crime family circulating FOR YEARS that should have disqualified him in least, had him arrested, tried and convicted, if we had a real functioning government and a real functioning Fourth Estate.

    The good news is that a lot more people are wise to what's been going on thanks to people like Tucker Carlson, Dinesh DeSouza and Elon Musk among a host of others.

    The real question is what do we do to fix it.

    If this situation is allowed to continued for the next 2.5 years. We'll never get back to what it was under Trump.

    In the meantime, Demonrats are going to continue to Demonrat.


  7. Ergo clownworld where some people don't even know they are the clown. True believers if you will.

    They will all be starving soon. All those you mentioned are not part of the 1/10th of 1 percent who are running this show. Most are useful idiots but they are true believers they will not survive but don't know it.

    Been outside working daily. Glad I'm no longer in the big city I hear the traffic is ridiculous due to the PGA? Anyone know what that is?

  8. ps If you don't laugh at the fuckening with us you will go insane.

  9. They're f'n with us. Painfully, but f'n none the less. The ass clowns we see aren't in charge. They're the ones we will blame for lack of understanding. We will never know who really runs all this. Only a wild guess.

    If the Nov elections don't go left as I suspect they might given the parties on hand that assisted in the last election, I am anticipating a hard right. And i def mean hard. Which will make it more painful that what we imagine the next 6-8 months will bring. A mix of 1984 and Brave New World with a dash of Lord of the Flies for spice.

    For clarity,

  10. "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." - Mark Twain

  11. Make fun of the clowns running things all you like. They don't care. Because THEY are in power, in control, making the decisions and driving the bus. We can laugh and ridicule them till the cows come home. THEY DON'T CARE. They'll be busy destroying the country. TINVOWOOT. It's going to take violence and bloodshed on an epic scale to remove them from power.

    1. God is in control Dan knowing that helps me keep peace of mind and heart.

  12. I believe it is a mix of both...TPTB at the top are absolutely f*cking with us; it's the minions at the middle and lower levels in charge of pushing the tumbrels that are f*cking up the anvils that make it look random and chaotic.

  13. I know, I know, the people who attend the Bilderberg meetings Do Not try to rule the world,, because that is what I was told.. But it would seem Someone with some Stroke needs to step in. Well, unless they Like the way things are going.

  14. I vote the other way, they are just that stupid.

  15. Never doubt the ineptitude and dis-functionality of Liberals in large groups. It is, in point of fact, axiomatic. That in no way means they aren't F*cking with us also.

  16. they are fucking with us with forethought and malice. It's Revelations boys and girls. The final showdown. Good versus Evil and evil has seized the day. The Prince of the Air rules the Earth today. It's all lies.

  17. Anybody that is chalking this up to mere incompetence is an idiot AND a poltroon. Don't even give them the time of day.

    You'd best belive all this is deliberate!

  18. Joe Biden, the kamikaze president.
    He will crash through the deck of the ship of state and set fire to it. He will be blamed and used for change. By all the young progressive Socialists rushing in to put out the fire.

  19. Excellent evocation of looking in the mirror.

  20. Doesn't matter. They will win, we will lose. The sooner you get that the easier life is. Who cares what you have or what you know if you won't use it

  21. Whatcha expect from a bunch of inbred psychopaths?
    Ohio Guy

  22. Never attribute to artifice which can be attributed to stupidity.

  23. Embrace the power of "AND". They are both Evil and Incompetent as a group effort. Seems pretty obvious to me.


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