Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Reader Joe Sends This: " Is the US Giving Sovereignty Over to the WHO?"




Hey Irish!

Forwarding this to you.  You seem to be the only one that I can find a way to contact.  I don't do social media of any kind, so email is all I got.  

Can you put this on your blog, and also get it out to other blogs?  I check out bustednuckles, knuckledragginmylifeaway, dailytimewaster, filthiesthunderbox, woodsterman, dad'sdeadpool, eatgrueldog, and theviewfromladylake.  All you guys are awesome.  I'm sure the readers of y'alls sites would be quite interested in how the fuckjoebiden administration is out to fuck us all over royally again.  Watch the video clip below.  See what you think.  Obviously, it is not news they are advertising to the American people.

Anyway, see if your other bloggers can disseminate this, as well.

Thanks for all you do! 

MAJ, US Army, ret.
Here is the link to watch and share: 

This is urgent! The World Health Organization (WHO), with assistance from the Biden Administration, is set to vote on a provision that could give this organization control of the health directives of 193 countries around the world. If passed, it could allow communist China, which controls the WHO, to dictate our national health decisions.

Watch this video by former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann for details. Please take action and contact your senators and congressman today and tell them to stop this WHO power grab!


  1. Did some searching, and yeah, it seems the section Bachmann speaks about cedes the declaration of a pandemic, among other reasons, to WHO and this involves several countries. NWO on the doorstep

    1. Remember to aim for their little blue helmets!!!

  2. Treason.

    My first thoughts are wondering if these WHO goons wear pretty white or blue helmets?
    This goes through it's the fat lady singing and all bets are off.

  3. I'm tired of fighting with their incessant push to write unconstitutional, anti human laws. Screw the fukkers. Let them Write their horror story and tell ME I'm Subject to it. Fukkem, and Marbury vs Madison lays it out.
    Any law repugnant to the constitution is no law at all. It's null and void at the moment they signed it,.

  4. I can extrapolate this out. Gun violence will be declared a health crisis. United nations troops will be needed to intervene on US soil in this "crisis" under the orders of the "WHO". Since we signed on to this treaty this will all be "legal". 2nd amendment will not apply.

    1. That was my take when I first read about this elsewhere. 'Course they're going to use the recent spate of nut job killings as their reasoning behind usurping 2A, said killings arriving right on schedule before EVERY major new gun control push. Truly amazing about the timing isn't it? The timing and the details of the two recent nut jobs are just coincidences I'm sure.

      Then there's Buydems trip to Buffalo yesterday to give "comfort" to the victims families, most of whom are, of course, black and the perp is white. But when an SUV drove itself through a parade of white people celebrating Christmas last December, crickets from the administration and the MSM.

      They're overlooking one important fact. Blue helmets make excellent targets and you can see them from a long way off.

      The hubris of all of this is just astounding.



    2. Go ahead Joe. Light that candle.

  5. Please feel free to refresh your education by reading the 9th and 10th amendments of the US Constitution and stop with the fear porn.

    1. Steve, I don't think the parties that are partaking in the destruction of the USA give two shits about the US Constitution.

    2. The Constitution doesn’t mean squat anymore.
      It’s just pesky ol’Paper…steeeeevie.
      But Vote Harder!!

      As evidenced by my 60yrs here.
      Hell it was dead with the last Founding Father.
      We are a Country of Cowards and Nosey ol’biddies and Sexual Psychotics.

    3. Steve, read US Constitution Article II section 2 on treaties. It appears to be legal if they can get it passed by the Senate.

    4. Anonymous, no it's not legal, not any more then any "law" passed by the Senate that disagrees with the Constitution.

    5. I live in California. I can tell you personally that "our betters" don't give a RAT'S ASS about the Constitution! Also; this "treaty" has been in the mill for a while. It's not "fear porn..." It's REAL...

    6. Agree with Steve that this is unconstitutional as hell. Needs 2/3 of the senate to be ratified as a treaty. Also agree with Irish. Constitution matters not in these times. Blood will likely need shedding before long. Hopefully more of theirs than ours. “Tree of Liberty”, and all that…

  6. Come January, the new Congress votes to withdraw from WHO.

    1. I doubt the senate changes hands, as the same folks who counted votes in Philly, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Vegas & Phoenix will get to do it again in Nov.
      TN Patriot

  7. Sign the petition here: www.interestofjustice.org. SHARE THE PETITIONS FAR AND WIDE!!!

  8. Anonymous @1:49 you're ASSUMING that Voting means anything and that the "New Congress" is anything but Hand Picked "made men" beholding to the World Economic Forum folks.

    So DO vote HARDER folks. What did Stalin say:

    "It matters much that the PEOPLE Vote"

    "It matters MORE WHO Counts the Votes".

    "WHO" seems to be the crux of the matter, eh?

    But, But, But the Supreme Court...., you mean the Arch Druids that refused to even see the past Presidential Voting Irregularities? Saying they had NO Jurisdiction in the case??? I used to call BS on stuff, NOW I call Jeffrey Edward Epstein was an American financier and convicted sex offender on stuff. I wonder how many of them visited that island of forbidden pleasures.

  9. I saw this. Hell of a distraction. Its not just the fusa its like a 164 countries signing on to this supposedly. Meh, just more targets take some with ya when you go.

    1. Bear Claw,

      HELL YEAH it's a distraction! Take as many as you can before you go Come and get some! LGBFJB!

      Anthony / Tboz

    2. Remember to aim for their little blue helmets!!!

  10. The Federal government is illegitimate. Whatever they do is illegal. No US citizen is legally required to obey any law they have passed since November 2020 or from here on out.

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!

  11. Treaties have to be ratified by the Senate. Odds of them approving this are slim. Not that the criminals in power care about legality.

  12. All treaties must be ratified by the Senate. Do remember that the Barry Soetoro mock treaty with Iran was never passed by the Senate and never signed by either party for that matter. Without Senate approval it is just another mock treaty, more hot air.

  13. Anyone know what's happened to the Captains Journal? Hershel has been missing for two days now.

  14. It started - "Monkeypox." First case in the US, Ma

  15. Seems to me that nearly every otc drug, ie, aspirin, ibuprofen, cough/cold meds, etc. comes from China. Viagra, Cialis, et. al., comes from China. Lots of med supplies, household supplies, tools, etc. etc.
    China makes nearly everything we here in the US consume. Yeah, we used to be a manufacturing powerhouse during and after WW2, but our "elected leaders" got fat, rich and lazy and decided to outsource nearly every manufacturing op to China.
    Guys, China is doing something right. No matter what western media tells you about China, (even though they've never actually been there or done that)
    There's a shit ton of people in China. Poverty has been eliminated. They are 20 years ahead of us in infrastructure, STEM graduates, space and associated technologies, and nearly everything else.
    What does the US make? Weapons, of course.
    Our world is changing very quickly right in front of our eyes. How we deal with that change will determine our paths in it.
    I think I read a reputable source once that said that 95% of the Chinese people approve of the way their government operates and runs it's systems. Remember, government is supposed to be for the betterment of the people. Communism with Chinese characteristics works very well for China and it's people today. I don't think we can say the same for our government. Merit based societies, historically, do well.
    Ohio Guy

    1. Actually, I think India makes more of our pharmaceuticals. "What does the US make? Weapons, of course", yep, the best around. I machine a shit load of DLA parts. Listen up. They are heavily expediting anything that flies from one continent to another. And that's all I have to say about that.

  16. People need to understand that the immediate threat is the amendments to the IHR which will be heard and possibly voted on during the World Health Assembly May 22-28. The amendments are scheduled for May 24th. These amendments need no congressional vote or approval. The IHR was agreed upon many decades ago using an International Executive Agreement which under international law is legally binding but does not require Congressional approval like a TREATY. The IHR is NOT a Treaty. The FUTURE Treaty on the other hand would require Senate approval and we have a much better chance of stopping that when the time comes BUT if these amendments to the IHR are approved they will get what they want in the end. To me these amendments are their insurance policy. SO we need to fight these amendments and after the vote we have 6 months to wake up the world. To me the US participation in these amendments (the US submitted these amendments) is an act of TREASON. So lets take this one bite at a time and concentrate on the amendments and tackle this elephant one bite at a time.

  17. and nobody actually knows here, BILL GATES funds 90% of the WHO, bill l want to whack "6,000,000,000 people using effective vaccines and sterilization" (circa 2012), and the HEAD of the WHO is an Ethiopian terrorist cell leader who has had his history "whitewashed". think l'm full of shit, it's not hard to verify.

  18. Visions of blue helmets dance in my crosshairs.


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