Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Way Back Wednesday

 The timeless beauties of the days of yore continue to dominate. This past week, Hedy won by a healthy margin. Next, was Morgan Farichild. Irlene Mandrell, Oliva Newton John, Cindy Crawford, Louise Mandrell, and Donna Douglas rounding out the field. I had several requests made by some readers who have recently joined us. While I am glad to have everyone stopping by, most of the suggestions have already been posted in earlier "competitions", but many of these will more than likely appear in the finals.  Also, Irish sent me a list of requests that were sent to the email address on the site homepage. I'll work on getting those up along with a few requests not before posted.

1. Britt Ekland
Amazing collection of photos from 1960s and 70s is discovered | Bond girls, Britt  ekland, Hollywood
Britt Ekland

Britt Ekland in a fur bikini | Bikinis, Britt ekland, Bikini photos

2. Linda Cristal

3. Grace Kelly

GRACE KELLY POSTER 24X36 INCHES SWIMSUIT HIGH SOCIETY TRACY LORD 61X90 CM | Grace  kelly, High society, Principesse

4. Mara Corday

5. Loretta Young

6. Gene Tiemey

7. Hope Lange


  1. Goodnight/Willow has my vote. Hope the job hunting is faring well!

  2. 1. Grace Kelly
    2. Hope Lange
    3. Gene Tierney

    And 1 and 2 are really neck-and-neck.

  3. Typo on your header for Britt Ekland. Yeah, I gotta go with her. I fell head over heals in lust with her when I saw the original version of "The Wicker Man" lo these many years ago. Great film, by the way.....

  4. Cast my vote for Miss Kelly. While I love the dark hair of Gene, there's a reason Miss Kelly was a princess.

  5. Linda Crystal because High Chapparel was one of my favorites. But a princess should always win.

  6. Her highness, Princess Grace Kelly.

  7. There's always Hope.

    Anybody consider some of the actresses (as opposed to glamor girls) of pre-war Tinseltown?

    I'm thinking Olivia de Havilland, Myrna Loy, Barbara Stanwyck, etc.

  8. Mara Corday. Wowzers! I thought I was wearing glasses, but my EYES steamed up! Dang.

    Second on my list is Gene Tiemey.

    I did like me some High Chaparral and that beauty, too.

  9. Hope Lang, Grace Kelly and Gene Tierney. Extraorinarily excellent female specimens. Ohio Guy

  10. 1 - Grace Kelly
    2 - Grace Kelly
    3 - Grace Kelly.

    Really, this is unfair to the other women. Grace Kelly practically glowed on the screen. Maybe the most beautiful woman ever on film. Period.

  11. The third picture of Grace is actually Marilyn Monroe (though I'll still vote for for Grace anyway.)

    1. Sorry not Marilyn Monroe. I see pictures of Grace Kelly and wonder if she was truly happy being married to Prince Rainier? Not always a fairy tale life and her pictures reveal that.

  12. Grace, by far....Hybo

  13. Lynda for the win.
    Gene for show.
    Britt to place.

  14. Linda Cristal
    Happy Birthday Marin Corp.......

  15. I'd go with Grace Kelly because her Dad worked with mine!

  16. Everyone loves a Princess.
    I hate to admit that my memory is shot, but have you already had the lovely Julie London?

  17. Gene Tierney. Odd that such a beautiful woman has a traditionally man's name...and it never hurt her career one iota. Take that Norma Jean, um, Marilyn!

  18. Grace Kelly or Ingrid Bergman? Which is the most beautiful woman of all time?
    Everyone else is running for the bronze.

  19. Britt Ekland. That woman does things to me.

  20. Gotta' be Grace, then Britt.

  21. Grace Kelly followed by Gene Tierney.

  22. Grace Kelly is leaps and bounds over anyone else on today's list, and probably near the top of all famous women of all time. Hope is a distant second today. -Brewer

  23. Britt
    easy peasy......

  24. Lynda
    any other responses are from obvious liberal plants

  25. When I was about 10 I had a thing for Loretta Young. I don't know WHAT I was thinking! Today, put me down for Britt. Promise I won't change my mind again... till next week!

  26. Grace Kelly will always be at the top of my list. There is something timeless in the beauty, intelligence, charm and grace of Grace that always came across in whatever role she played. From everything I've read about her personal life it who she really was. I would defy any red blooded American not contaminated with woke crap not to fall just a little bit in love after watching "Rear Window" and "To Catch A Thief."

  27. Grace Kelly

    Also, Grace Kelly.

  28. 1. Grace Kelly
    2. Brit Ekland
    3. Jean Tierney

  29. Sometimes it helps to be the last in line. Hope's final pic in the surf reminds me a lot of an old high school girl friend. Gonna go with her for sentimental reasons, knowing that somewhere some guy got a wonderful, pretty woman for his wife.


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