Monday, December 11, 2017

Ok, I've Had Enough Winter....


  1. I know what you mean. 62 here sitting by the pool having my afternoon beer and cigar and about to freeze. I have my Santa hat on. Warmest hat I have.

  2. I’m an hour or so north of Terry, near the Space Center. Woke up to frost on the neighbors’ roofs and high about 60. Clear and beautiful, though.

  3. 85*, with 90% humidity... Nope. That thing that makes those Corona cans sweat does the same to people. The end result is a person that doesn't smell anywhere near as good as a Corona...

  4. Only 72 here today... Brrr... :-)

  5. ALMOST got above freezing in central MN. Actually kinda nice with the sun being out.
    Quoting Jeff Dunham, "We are a hearty people!"
    Yeah. Wait a month...

  6. You still have ten days before winter begins!

  7. Agreed, It has snowed in Atlanta and had multiple days with freezing temps. Last year we didn't even make it to freezing so we had a big bug problem this past summer.


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