Sunday, March 2, 2025

Re: The Ukraine War....

  This was sent in by one of our blog readers.  He lays out some interesting information regarding

the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.


  1. My assistant at work here in the USA had relatives in the Ukraine. Back before the war her cousin was killed by an artillery strike in the Donbass. The Azov battalions (neo nazi) who were backed by the new post Maidan governent
    were allowing these strikes into primarily pro-Russian cities and town across the Ukraine. Prior to the Russian invasion
    the UN numbers were like 80,000 plus citizens killed this way.
    Jeff Grey

  2. EVERY AMERICAN should be required to watch this. Their gross ignorance of what has been done by the Deep State and criminal presidents is shameful.

    1. You're not wrong, however the problem isn't with The People, per se. Our Media was given a special right, the whole 1st Amendment thing, because they were supposed to act as the protector, preserver of truth. They were protected against a tyrannical government very specifically, so that they would be able to act as the foil, or brake against tyranny.
      In our case, the media and the 'news' teamed up WITH the tyrants. Instead of exposing their crimes to The People, they have used their power of the pen to hide the truth and cover up the crimes of the oligarchs and tyrants.
      Were this one issue reversed, we would not be where we are today.
      The first (and 2nd) amendment is critical to this function, it is the lynch-pin, and is being relentlessly attacked. WE THE PEOPLE must defend our rights, via arms if necessary. God has given us these rights, man has attempted to preserve them against other men. We are being called by history to act like men. It is time, the time has come, it is now.

  3. Not to mention how the cia used usaid money to fund terrorist groups to destabilize the Ukraine government after the Minsk agreements.
    Nothing new, tho.
    Cia worked in Iran in the early 50's to overthrow their prime minister in favor of a more pro-American shah for a better oil deal.
    In the 80's, they funded and trained afghans to fight the russians. And while they fought together as muhajideen, the old tribalist rivalries resurfaced allowing the rise of the taliban.
    When the Shah of Iran was overthrown (when Carter withdrew USA support), we openly embraced relations with Saddam Hussain. 20 years later, we throw him tobthe curb, invade Iraq (more oil) and destabilize that country, all over a bunch of lies by one Ahmed Chalibi, an iraqi defector in Germany and a shitload of lies about wmd's and somehow, Hussain was protecting bin-Laden. (Saddam protecting a threat to his power? REALLY?!!)
    But we did anyway, and gave rise to isis and al-qeada. (Thanks alot, Bush)
    But not to be outdone, Barry Sotero gives money and weapons (litery by the jumbo jet full) to those assholes to overthrow Al-Bassar of Syria.
    And so on and so forth.This country (and the whole world for that matter) would be much better off if our fucking government would've kept it's fucking nose out of every other country's business.


    1. "...our...government..."
      Presumes a stand-alone entity.
      Based on decades of evidence, a certain familiar 'foreign influence' is running the show, manipulating the Deep State, the swamp, and pretty much everything else including pensions and lottery 'games'.
      What do they gain?
      A skim-scam worth hundreds of trillions with a 'T' of American tax-dollars in the form of the foreign-aid skim-scam, the grants skim-scam, military aid skim-scam, and a percentage of every other pass-through of fedbux from American government agents to just about anybody, including Black Lifes Bees Mattering And Shee-it plus Soros buying American prosecutors to just about everything else.
      I have a suspicion anything to do with every government agent at every level of American governance is first designed as a skim-scam, then a tiny percent goes to serve the Americans paying those taxes.
      Our end of that tiny percentage includes overhead.
      The grift is unimaginably yuge.
      Dismantling it would probably irreversibly collapse the entire global economy, leading to a die-off of 99.999% of humanity.
      Either way -- global collapse or the collapse of fUSA -- that old familiar 'foreign influence' considers it a win for them.
      Who cares if the chattel cattle complain as we starve and disappear.

    2. As more and more evidence sees the light of day, you are proven more and more correct!

    3. Just to keep things real, there is MAYBE $125T in the entire world. Not hundreds of trillions.

      Carry on.

    4. FrankP, you're talking tangible, but everyone else is talking pixels on screens. Debt is unlimited. More than 20 years ago it was estimated that the US gov't was MORE than $200,000 Trillion dollars in debt and the fact of the matter is, no one has been keeping account and no one actually knows the amount of debt. A whole lot of criminals and parasites need to cease breathing air.

  4. Here is a dossier on him…

  5. In addition -- the UK is playing games: from X: "NEW: Lt. Col. Tony Schaffer questions how Ukraine can sign a U.S.-mineral deal after signing a U.K.-mineral deal. On Jan 17th, Starmer and Zelensky signed a 100-year partnership for closer cooperation between their two countries on everything from defense and security to energy and infrastructure.

    That agreement included a mineral clause, which proposed a joint working group to maximize the "benefits from Ukraine’s natural resources" and support the development of a Ukrainian "critical minerals strategy."

    So what's going on here? How can Ukraine commit to a mineral deal with the U.S. and the U.K.?"

    1. And after the maidan revolution, they signed a mineral deal w/ the oligarchs that were left in power. There's about 7 different claims on the dirt underneath "Ukraine" right now... And everyone will fight over them. Gee, almost like it was planned this way....

  6. Oh, Europe was fully invoked. It wasn’t just the US. Merkel admitted that the Minsk accords were negotiated in bad faith. And Trump 1.0 stabilized the situation, providing Ukraine with lethal aid, including javelin missiles, when all Obama gave them was blankets.

  7. funny, pelley on 60 minutes today mentioned none of this, why?

  8. The popular notions of motivation for aggression between powers is mostly propaganda. I discovered that truth in grade school reading about the War Between the States, and was further educated by accounts of covert maneuvering by shadowy government agencies to promote and continue warring during the 20th century.
    Human nature allows failure and forgiveness, but Godless governments do not.

  9. Everything on the left is a false notion predicated on a lie. Abortion is healthcare is a perfect example. If you pretend it's not murder, you don't feel guilty. If you get the chance, ask them to define what rending a fetus limb from limb and shop-vaccing it out of the uterus actually is then, and you get an interesting response.

  10. Don't show this to Brain Kilmeed. He's loves his Ukraine.

    1. It's not a matter of loving Ukraine. It's a matter of loving the truth. Sachs has proven he is a liar and does it all for Putin. He spews the same propaganda that Putin does.

  11. Putin's invasion was not unprovoked. Saying it isn't is a bald faced lie. Sachs is an idiot and simply spews Putin's lies for him.


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