Saturday, February 1, 2025

Philly Plane Crash From Nest Camera... Video and Sound...











  1. Something is wrong with that video and audio. Sound travels at 1100 feet per second or about a mile every 5 seconds. The delay in hearing the sound after the flash of the fireball is not long enough.

  2. Those engines...... gives me a shiver. Spatial disorientation?

  3. I have a theory that they hit a drone or a flock of geese in the clouds right after take off. Geese don't fly at night, except when they do. Also this is right in the area where all that drone stuff is going on although what a drone would be doing in the clouds is not obvious.


    2. Those are known as "cumulo-granite" clouds.
      But my feeling is they tried to take off with flaps up, a full bag of gas, and O2 bottles.

  4. From what I saw of the video it appeared that the plane just quit flying. Note the loss of positive attitude control, and the dive near the "Unwanted Air-Land Interface Interaction" - it tried to gain airspeed to pull out of the unwanted unstable condition. Not enough airspeed/altitude/control so I surmise that since it was taking off they probably lost engines. I'm not very familiar with the Lear 5, though.

    Let's see what the NTSB has to say, though. I'm just pulling my thoughts/opinions outta my ass.

    1. In a Gateway Pundit update, they said it was a life-flight. They speculated if the stretcher or med-bed shifted during flight, it could've caused a nose up stall. So your guess may be closer to the mark than most.

    2. If it shifted rearward during flight it would have stayed there because the planes nose pitched up. As the plane stalled, the nose would stay mostly up and the plane would have come down flatter rather than in the nose dive that I think I see.

  5. Did someone forget to put a gas cap on?

  6. I think it is a deep state effort to distract us from another event.
    Wasn't the JFK and MLK assassination information just released?
    It is certainly not beyond our shadow government to do something like this as a psy-op to disruption and influence the news cycle.

  7. Pitch up illusion....spatial disorientation.

  8. I lived and worked in Philly for many years. One of my jobs was a housewares buyer for the John Wanamaker Dept. Store. We had a branch store at the Roosevelt Mall (where Macy's is located today). That part of NE Philly is primarily lined with thousands of rowhouses filled with people. That Mexican "Life Flight" plane could have caused way more damage and death than is did.

  9. "The Philadelphia crash was the second fatal incident in 15 months for Jet Rescue."

  10. The first video I pulled up of course had a m u d s l I m e praying during the initial blast.

  11. Shit ton of detectives on this site.

  12. Missed me by 5 miles. I think his aim could have been better.

    Mangy C


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