Friday, October 11, 2024



  Time to escape into a long Indigenous Peoples'  Columbus Day weekend.

Make sure to take a deep breathe if you get aggravated with traffic.

 Road rage ain't worth it.

Be back later, off to the salt mine.

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 AnonymousOctober 9, 2024 at 10:05 PM

 Here in WV, right in the geographic center, 7 years ago we had a biblical toad strangler come down on us, 12 inches of rain in 10 hours, biblical shit, shit i and other saw you would call me a psychopath making shit up. I can not even describe what that amount of water does, bet you hardly heard a peep about either. Know what though, it was two weeks in most places up in these ridges and hollows before we saw a single government official, and by then everyone living here and outside the rain path pulled together and helped eachother, by the time the first fema assholes showed their faces everyone just about had got thru it and was doing good. They and others came in like stink on shit ordering everyone around, they condemned houses right out under people fast as they could drive around, they hired 30 yard dumpsters filled them with mountains if donations, telling us it was not approved disaster supplies, farmers killed hogs and cows, paid for butchering at local meat shops and donated it at volunteer fire stations, that what the fuckers could get threw it out too. Wasn't approved they said. Unbelievable words can not convey what fucking assholes these fucks are. We where this enemy not worthy of consideration in any shape or form. Regardless us good folks in these mountains we all stuck together, we, chain sawed our way out miles of road, we went around checking in eachother, we brought foid heaters fuel generatirs whatever was needed, we spent our money and labor and time to rescue ourselves, while a couple humvees with soldiers sat under awnings and passed out bottles of water and MRE's, just sat at a couple gas stations, that is all the aid i witnessed in 2 weeks, thats all anyone i know seen, except fema fucks at the fire stations filling dumpsters throwing out mountains of supplies, i saw three 30 yard dumpsters filled 6 ft over the rim, i had to go see it myself, all good stuff, new in box gen sets, to baby diapers in the bag, and replaced it with fucking shit. Nothing. I helped butcher 14 hogs and 4 1200 lb cows, people donated, they even paid for butchering supplies, i worked for free, 1 week solid 12 hours straight with a dozen others so folks could have good wholesome ready food, made hamburger and sausage so it was easy to deliver and hand out. Know how much meat that is? dozens of pock ups came by and delivered it soon as it was flash froze.
It was all like we lived on a planet where no others but us existed for two weeks. it was actually pretty sweet, the sense we all could do anything and get it done no matter what like GOD himself was behind us all the way, no shit on that. Not one bit. You got to see it yourself to understand. The 14 mile one lane goat path we live on, every body just grabbed chain saws and tractors and cut out way out, and we where one road out of hundreds in just our county of 2000 living souls, the size of the state of RhodeIsland. It felt like the outside world simply disappeared. Seriously. We fixed the washed out roads. We clawed our ways up totally choked up hollows to get older folks and bring them to some others homes to dry out and get a meal and a warm bed. By the time the "authorities" appeared" we simply had zero fucking use for any of them. What where they doing for two entire weeks? None if us knew or know now but they where not around here. Shit bakes your fucking noodle, because you realize, that absolute feeling where you know the truth cold and hard, it was an organized criminal conspiracy in no uncertain terms. And its this dark secret element which hates us all and is constantly, day by day hour by hour in every way their illigetimate powers give them, killing us, every day, without stop. And hardly a soul among us grok this shit. Just stop, give it a good think, you will see it all of a sudden. That thing we call government, it is the enemy balls to bones. Just look around you, its a pattern IN detail, it shows a pattern OF detail, that shows you what is going on all around us. Right this fucking second. 24/7/365. We are nothing to IT.






Tuesday, October 8, 2024

There's Thousands More Out There That Feel Like She Does... The Wave Is Building....


Nathan Bedford Forrest at Brice's Cross Roads

"Forrest is the devil and I think he has got some of  our troops under cover... I will order them to make up a force and go out to follow Forrest to the death, if it costs ten thousand lives and breaks the Treasury. There will never be peace in Tennessee until Forrest is dead!" - Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman

What is 'Disaster Equity' You Ask?