Saturday, October 12, 2024

Well, I Guess My Chore For Cleaning The Gutters This Weekend Pales In Comparison....




 Story here<<<






  1. Sorry, so long as the American flag is the symbol of an out of control empire hell-bent on foreign interventionism and destruction, all on the taxpayer dime, for the benefit of the military-industrial complex and Israeli foreign policy objectives, count me out. The flag was supposed to represent a republic, NOT owned and controlled by Israel or the banksters, or the MIC, or the Deep State, but it has devolved into little more than that at this point. I fly the Betsy Ross flag if I fly the flag at all. At least that flag represents the values that meant something, were about a new republic based on limited government and freedom, and not the things the current flag is about.

    1. Agreed. I prefer the flag of Northern Virginia. We tried.

    2. One of the greatest cons of our lifetime is the most corrupt government in history getting us to blame "America " and the Flag for their wrongdoings
      Both America and the Flag belonged to us well before these swamp creatures ever existed.
      It's time we reclaim what is ours and lay blame where it belongs, at the feet of the would be tyrants

    3. I wonder if that anonymous turd in the first post and who hates America would maybe like to move to another country where he/she can live like they want without federal government interference and not have to put up with the inconveniences of life.

  2. What is the Secret Purpose of The Deep State?

    The October Surprise.

    Yeah its me Irish…

    ; ) Alain…

  3. Holy shit.
    I don't have a flag flying. Thought about taking dad's Veteran funeral flag out but 8t is a different size than a flag made for flying. It's made to cover a casket.

  4. I get vertigo just watching that.

  5. My stomach is doing such crazy flip flops that I had to stop watching this... UGH!!!

  6. I took my flag down the day Bribem was inaugurated. It had flown on my deck for over 20 years. It won't fly again until the deep state is dismantled and every one of these cocksuckers, including Obozo, Piglosi, McCuntle, CRyan, Milley among others are held to account, so it probably won't fly again in my lifetime.


    1. Those people stole our flag. If I fly it, someone might think I support these SOBs

  7. That is amazing that some guys can do that. I don't want to be on anything higher than a bar stool. ---ken

  8. They can only steal our flag if we allow it. I’ll die with a reverence for the flag because I know what it stands for and it’s not meant to honor those asswipes. If they’ve changed your opinion then I suggest some soul searching. A lot of damn good men met their end knowing what it was intended to stand for. As the old saying goes, they can kick my ass but they can’t make me like it.


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