Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Trump Broke This Karen....





 This is the store in VIRGINIA <<





  1. I'll be in No VA thursday. I believe I'll stop by and pick up a Foxtrot Kilo Hotel Shirt.

  2. This woman reminds me of a guy that was on my paper route 60 years ago. If he thought his paper was delivered one minute late (it was supposed to be there by 6:30 AM) he was on the phone to his city councilman.

    Clueless twits like him and this stupid broad in Virginia think Government is there to solve all of their problems, no matter how slight they may be.

  3. They're not sane.
    One can argue why all day long. Maybe its the flouride in the water, maybe it's the chemtrails, maybe it's the 50 years of liberal faggots running the school district... Whatever the cause is irrelevant at the end of the day. Dealing w/ these people is the order of the day, and this was perfect! Let them freak out and blow their minds. Reality will not be denied to make way for their delusions. BFYTW!

  4. Come see my yard. I have Chase Oliver signs.

  5. A sane, rational gay guy! Whodda thunk?!

    1. OMG! How DARE you assume he is gay! Whatever gave you that idea?

  6. Some peoples fascism is another's good neighbor... Personal preferences are allowed but only if they're approved by karen , the police and the mayor. These folks have trouble defining a woman . It is no stretch of the imagination that the lunatics my not understand the rest of the dictionary or know it exists. These people need a safe space far away from the sane people they intentionally target for their own safety.

    1. WE need safe spaces from the karens. Perhaps they get SF, Portland, and Seattle (or back east equivalents), our "safe space" is everywhere else. The main point is to put these loonies into one large looney bin - east or west, who cares - and let them go at each other. God - we have enough problems without raising such stinks over someone's flag.

    2. Why not Cuba or Venezuela or Nicaragua instead? Those assholes what to live under Communism, let all their dreams come true.

  7. His designs have been featured in multiple publications, including Italian Vogue, Vanity Fair, Elle Magazine, The Hollywood Reporter, FINE Magazine, and The LA Fashion Magazine, to name a few.
    Apologies, retractions, statements disavowing any real or perceived support for such a dangerous person coming in 3,2,1...

    Ever notice how immediately and completely the Acceptance conferred upon People of color, Women of color, gays, etc, disappears Immediately when they have the WrongThink disease? Winsome Sears, strong woman, intelligent, P.oC.
    disavowed by the Support women of color crowd,, because she's not a commie.
    That is the last I heard,, hopefully she's not yet tarnished.

  8. The answer is right in front of the cop and the Karen: cram a dirty sock into her mouth, duct tape it shut, and stuff her worthless carcass into either of the two receptacles provided by the city for the purpose. Problem solved, end of story, get on with your suddenly-brighter and more enjoyable day.

  9. I hope this guys business goes thru the roof just because of this video of the meddlesome b!

  10. If that's Karen in the first seconds of the video, yeah, she's nuts, she's got the Krazy AOC eyes.
    President Elect B Woodman

  11. Seems like the lunatics have developed the psychosis that everything has to be cleared through them before public display.
    I liked these people a lot better when they were drugged and/or kept in a padded room for the benefit of all.

  12. Absolutely insane! I want so badly to come back and get arrested so she can spend a few hours in jail. The lefties are total cowards and bullies, "I'm going to call the police and have them beat you up! Let's be brave and key his property!"
    I was going to buy something on line but I didn't see anything I liked. Not sorry, just different tastes. Good luck to him and his staff! I'm hoping the loony lefties out there don't hurt hum or his people.

  13. I've run into a few just this nuts. One time ripping out Trump campaign signs. Four old ladies. I pointed out what they were doing was a felony and they went nuts. A couple security annalists are warning that if we're lucky enough to get Trump re-elected shits going to get serous. The left is going to make Antifa and BLM riots look like a Sunday picnic.

    1. On the plus side, we've been preparing for just such an eventuality for the last 23 years.
      Where it comes from matters little.

  14. Science and modern medicine has spent the last century plus short circuiting and thwarting the filter in the gene pool. His is the result. There are millions of these "marching morons" (an acknowledgement to Cyril Kornbluth). They drive, they breed and they vote. Humanity is doomed.

  15. Did I just hear the government revenue collector tell the victim to avoid the harasser?
    Isn't that kinda like telling a rape victim its her fault for being in public?

  16. More proof, not that any more is needed. Brainwashed TDS loons are completely crazy. I'll bet this idiot actually thinks she is going to get free shit if the riggers can get Kamalalala in.

  17. Somebody needs a different hobby...


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