Thursday, September 26, 2024

Kalifornia Karen Kauses Kaos.....










  1. I'm surprised this went on for as long as it did. I'm sure it was way past her cats' feeding time. That driver had substantially more patience than I could have mustered.

  2. People stuck because of her should have started smashing the f**k out of her car windows until the lesson penetrated. What a 5-star entitled assclown. She's lucky she didn't get a well-deserved beatdown.

  3. My patience wears thin, people like that will be rewarded for their obstinate stubbornness with a swift removal from this life in a violent fashion.

  4. People like that never fail to surprise me with their stupidity and arrogance. They undoubtedly lead very sad lives; they hate their lives and want to extend the hate to others. The finger pointing and hand wave gestures are classic liberal body language. This is simply a microcosm of America today. Brainwashed for years in school about microaggressions and safe spaces. She does not understand how to handle conflict or have critical thinking skills about right and wrong in public interaction. She THINKS she is right. She is so stupid and has no idea she is in the wrong. Always remember; being stupid is like being dead. Everyone knows it but you.

    1. She could have been cited. He had "established position" making the turn when she ran up to the stop bar. She was legally required to yield right-of-way to the truck and let him pass. The same law applies when crossing a one lane bridge. First on the bridge has "established position" and has the right-of-way.

      I told my bride that I hope he shares this video with his supervisor so it can be shown to his fellow drivers, with the proviso that their man "handled the situation perfectly".

      I also noted that if she had done the right thing to begin with, she'd have been on her way four minutes sooner than she was after being a complete foul-mouthed jerk.

      A tip of the hat to the Albertson's driver. He's a Pro.

    2. Elmo,
      South America bridges are often single lane.
      They usually have a 'meme'-type sign indicating gross tonnage has the right-of-way.

  5. bet she's a kamala voter.

  6. Noticed no wedding ring, wonder why?

    1. Repeal the 19th ammendment and put that oxygen thief back in the kitchen making food and babies. Commie cunt

    2. Where I'm from she is known as a 'scrunt'. That makes it through youtubes censors.

  7. I'm disappointed at the number of Twitter comments that criticized the trucker for being in her lane. Clearly no concept of hauling things around corners. Or, just being polite and backing up a bit to make room?..

    1. it is a private parking area. There is no lane. All she must do is get out of his way, he can't get out of hers.

  8. And we gave these animals the vote! We are murdering ourselves. Sometimes putting these idiots in stocks for being scolds seems like a wonderful idea.

  9. Commenters claiming this Karen is a MAGA, driving a Prius? She's the epitome of an it's-all-about-me entitled liberal.

    1. What MAGA supporter would want an a hole like that in membership? Not me, for sure.

  10. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better

    1. Look how many dumbasses are wearing masks in the background

  11. ps He should roll up his window and wait her out

  12. A Hyénà/Walz bumper sticker on the back?

  13. Should have taken a pic of her license plate and doxxed her. Put her name out far and wide, with the video. Let people know the character of the woman that they're a neighbor to, and dealing with on a day-to-day basis.

    1. I'm pretty sure her neighbors already know what cnut she is.

  14. The very definition of cunt. Guaranteed she's a Kameltoe/Coward voter.

  15. Prius...let's all be shocked. I bet she thinks that trucks have NOTHING to do with how EVERYTHING she purchases gets to the store.

  16. Eventually the cops will show up...and MAKE it move. But it's too stupid to learn. So it will do his again.

  17. She seems nice. I can just imagine having a fun conversation with her.

  18. With any luck at all, she missed her appointment and had to reschedule.

  19. unfortunately, she doesn't know how to put it in reverse

  20. She was just trying to get laid.

  21. Fucking cunts like that run the country.
    Them and the men that fear them.
    The US was, at one time, a patriarchy and a great nation.
    Now we have entitled boss bitches stomping around pissing on everything just so they can be mad about something.
    Neat, huh?

  22. Seems to me there were enough sturdy guys there, they could have just flipped that little Prius up on its side and let the trucker go past...

  23. I’m kinda surprised the driver of the semi didn’t just tell her he was going to clear the intersection. Whether or not he flattened her little car in the process was between her and her reverse gear. This guy has the patience of a saint.

  24. Need that guys "Fat Fucking Cow Translator" App.

  25. She is the perfect example of why men stopped dating women.

  26. First Mistake:
    * presuming he could have a rational conversation with an irrational individual.
    Second Mistake:
    * allowing her to state her irrational justification.
    Third Mistake:
    * allowing her to blather without talking over her, interrupting her, thus allowing her to believe she has any valid value as a human.
    Fourth Mistake:
    * allowing her to believe she is nothing other than a Hive drone.
    We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene Oregon.
    The acreage is surrounded by goofballs in warehouse-pallet hovels covered in blue plastic tarps.
    The goofballs have nothing to do all day except create drama.
    I usually refuse to acknowledge their existence.
    Three nights ago, walking the fence with the dogs, a goofball insisted I am conspiring with his ex on a Restraining Order.
    I stood stiff and still, looking at the goofball.
    Eventually, he realized I refuse to play.
    Drama diffused.


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