Monday, September 16, 2024

.gov and the media's response to the latest to the Trump Assassination Attempt

                                                                                Move along. There is nothing to see here.




  1. So how long before they cremate or bury him?

    1. I've got $1 on dead by Sunday, after the camera's and/or recording equipment focused on his cell mysteriously malfunction in the middle of the night on Friday or Saturday when the 3rd shift guards are cooping their 2AM nap. Takers?


  2. Exactly. Loser was a brainwashed Ukronazi supporter that also has a Harris bumper sticker on his car, registered Democrat in NC. Watch how fast those facts get scrubbed in the MSN.

    P. O’d in NH

  3. After the first attempt, lots of the tin foil hat people's first reaction, me included, was .gov did it. With the dearth of info coming from the Eff Bee Eye and hiding or just plain burying evidence; why'd they power wash the roof of the building the shooter was on and why'd they release his body for cremation within just a couple days of the attempt, we'll NEVER know the truth of who was behind it. Now, we've got another nut job who allegedly is acting alone because he hates Trump. His neighbors say he's cucu for coco puffs and they were afraid of him. Who knows if that's not just another "planted" story to distract attention away from any evidence that point in a direction the Eff Bee Eye doesn't want anyone looking at. The compliant media just laps this stuff up like they're licking ice cream when in reality they're sucking .gov azzhole, AGAIN or is that STILL?

    Pretty sad state of affairs when a lot of people don't believe anything .gov and other former trustworthy institutions say or do.

    They have, however, EARNED that distrust.


  4. I'm appreciating the fact that leftists, when not surrounded by their groupthink fellow lemmings, are incompetent as hell at anything based on any kind of developed skill.

  5. Epsteined in his cell before any real questions are answered.
    My prediction.

  6. I see these "attempts" as intimidation...

  7. I see these so-called "assassins" as "groomed", "medicated" (psychotropics), and "implanted" with propaganda and under the control of the two weaponized Three Letter dot Gov Agencies, CIA & FBI. With the implicit, explicit and express approval of the (two tier "rules for thee and none for me") Do(I)J.
    What these "elites" forget is that, "if the law does not protect me from thee, it equally does not protect thee from me".

    President Elect B Woodman

  8. If this was the black Jesus or Hillary you'd hear wailing all over the country from the crooked msm.

    1. Sorry, I didn’t mean to plagiarize you. I posted below something very similar below but just read your comment. Must be the whole “great minds” thing at work.

  9. There is a report that Trump's golf outing was a spur of the moment thing. So, how did the guy know about it?

    Michael in Nelson

    1. Ans how did MSNBC know to have coverage in place for that last minute decision" to play golf, that the assassain set up his hide for at midnight.
      Note also that his planned shot would have been between 30 and 50 YARDS, as the cart path from the 5th to 6th hole had the street and his hide on one side and a lake on the other. Aerial photos on several sites.
      John in Indy

    2. Indeed, how did the guy secrete himself in the bushes 12 hours before Trump was to come along on a spur-of-the-moment trip to his golf course?
      Sounds like an inside job to me, the only question is what Agency the mole is working at.

  10. That the SS engaged the shooter before his target of opportunity arrived, successfully prevented the attempt; that this golf outing was a last minute scheduling, not on the calendar; indicates that this is probably the SS to regain the trust of Trump.
    It's CYA for when Trump regains the Oval office.

  11. Also, this looks a lot like some permutation of the Heel and dialectic. The crazies whipped to a frenzy by the media, using information fed to media by DOJ and others in fedgov. This sets the stage.
    Now the bad guys arrive just in time to stop the puppet. Now the baddies look like the good guys.

    When it comes to fedgov, yes I am a 'conspiracy theorist'.

  12. The real concern here is that the communist are normalizing assassination attempts on a former president. If they can Do that to him you better believe that his supporters are next.

    It hardly makes a blip on the radar. You better believe if somebody had taken a shot at chocolate Jesus, there would still be wailing and gnashing of teeth 24 seven on the left .

  13. Irish / Jeffery - great comments and insight as usual - thank you.

  14. And, in classic form, Trumps only complaint was that SS wouldn't let him finish his golf round.
    God , I love that man.

  15. "Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.” ― George Orwell, 1984
    Straight from the democrat playbook.


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