Sunday, September 29, 2024

Back In The Day When, Men Were Men and You Had Fingers To Spare....











  1. Back in the day my ass... The Amish STILL use those things at Barn Rais'ns

  2. Replies
    1. Ax em if they got two, please.

  3. Isn't the rotation backwards? The chain runs clockwise so that on the down stroke the saw is pulled into the work. Mike

    1. Saw runs the the other way so it cuts down from the rear, else it would just roll over the work.

  4. That's a new one on me. Dad had a big clumsy Sears 8 1/4 saw that we used to build numerous farm buildings and do repairs. The only Homelite we had was a chainsaw. Compared to the chainsaws of today, it took some doing to run that thing due to the weight and general poor balance but nothing like Dad's Mall chainsaw. 2 cycle dual exhaust 7 horse with a 36" bar two man and I mean two good men chainsaw. That thing vibrated so that after running it for fifteen minutes or so my arms and hands were numb.

  5. Boy, wish those saws would come back around!,

  6. At first I thought it's a home made franken-saw where someone modified a chainsaw to accept the blade and guard of a circular saw but I did a bit of searching on the internet and found this

  7. I'd buy one today and I don't even Need one,, today..

  8. Lost a finger 🖕 this one a couple of weeks ago. Don't have one to spare. Power Plainer. Left hand so driver's side. I have given a nub 4 times since.

  9. My first chainsaw was a Homelite 925XL. It was a great saw, but it was as heavy as a boat anchor. But that was back when I was young and agile, so it was no biggie. Now that I'm old and fragile I'd probably have a hard time picking it up.

    Homelite stuff always was quality, tho.

  10. If it will run on a gasifier Inwill take 5

  11. I think that's from a YouTube channel called Hand Tool Rescue. Think he's in Canada somewhere. Good channel, droll humor, not much talking, restores oddball old tools to new condition, fun stuff.


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