Thursday, August 22, 2024

Trump's epic reply to a race-baiting reporter was so funny that even the cops laughed!


The media made a lame attempt to link Trump to the KKK and Howell, Michigan's alleged racist past. He broke it off in this communist operative.


  1. Hoist, meet petard..

  2. That wasn't a mic drop, it was a bitch slap.

  3. Even with the volume up I could not hear the question. Would someone please explain what happened?

    1. Paraphrasing as best as I can, but the question was something along the lines of "Supporters of Kamala Harris are wondering if you (Trump) had comments on being in a city where some white supremacists once were."

      And then Trump (rhetorically) punched her in the face.

      The press would never, in a million years, ask such a pointed and loaded question of either Biden or Harris. And if someone did ask such a question, there is no way that Biden or Harris could have handled it as well as Trump did.


    2. The reporter asked how Trump felt coming to a town with strong associations with the KKK (there was a small pro KKK march there a while back).

      Michael in Nelson

    3. A reporter just asked Trump why he came to a town "linked to white supremacy"

  4. it is a shock to see how fast Trump's mind works. Faster than light.

    1. I've been saying that for a while now. A good example is how fast he put one and one together after he got shot at. Pretty amazing really.

  5. That was a mike drop there.

  6. "White Supremacy"= Don't talk about the great replacement or (((WHO))) is bringing in the violent 3rd worlders. Marxism rears it's ugly head in the motherland. Guess (((WHO))) owns the Media that is so bold to make these false accusations against a former President.

  7. A made up phrase intended to be used for the purpose of attacking opposition (in this case DJT). "It" works too. Think about all the tainted programs, contract awards, hires, etc. that have been made since 1965 because some one was afraid of being tagged as a "white supremacist" or having ones behavior referred to as "racial" (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean). It is induced drag at it's best.

  8. Donald needs to adopt the derisive snort and side-eye as a standard response to such questions.

  9. Where's the recording? I still can't find it.

  10. Livingston County is the County I grew up in.
    Just sent my middle daughter there to school.



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