Sunday, August 4, 2024











  1. Yeah, got a real boner on that one....

  2. Weahll
    at least she'll never bite me

  3. How does a young lady lose all her teeth like that? I'm almost 65 & still have all my original.

    1. I dated a young lady who'd had some kind of hoof and mouth disease when she was a baby and never grew teeth, just kept getting plates as she grew. Funny how I learned this... the first time we were necking and my tongue pushed her lower teeth away... She was embarased all to hell until I told her it was unusual, but I'd still be her BF and not tell anyone. Until now, I've kept that promise. Oh, that was fifty years ago.

  4. Meth is a hell of a drug.

  5. Getting implants 65 yrs old, not an overnight or next day fitting, process is this in case your thinking about it: pull all teeth
    get cadaver bone implants to fill gaps where teeth were, wear denture for 4/6 months while its healing, after that will be fitted with dentures that are screwed in so the bone can grow around screws (think molly bolt and screw). Another 4/6 months the real implants will be installed. Before any work to be done there are xrays, scans and measurements for dentures to fit, the cost $50K. Long and painful at times process, the key find a good dentist and oral dentist that work together for best results. End result, never have to worry about fillings, crowns, cleanings (1x a year to ck implants), bad breath from bad teeth. Zirconia for teeth and Titanium screws to hold in place.

    1. I'll keep my bad teeth and spend the $50k on booze, broads, and cigars.

    2. Me Too - spend the $50k on booze, broads, and cigars.

    3. How long do you think you will live as a healthy human?

    4. No teeth equals ugly face/mouth, hard to eat anything & dentures are just a pain as you never are sure the adhesive will hold or for how long because after 6/8 hours the holding strength begins to wear off and flapping begins. $50k is worth not having the denture hassle.

  6. I think that dog knows what I’m thinking. 😉

  7. Saddest thing I've seen all week.

  8. Wasn't there a Frank Zappa song about this scenario?


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