Saturday, August 10, 2024

Bullet Points From 70 Years Ago....


 How to destroy America. Written in 1954.  Highlighted in an opinion pc by Keith Alber 

in the Napa Register 1959 



H/t to Bruce


  1. FFS, we are not a democracy.

    1. I wonder how many times he violated the constitution by locking people up who has guns "illegally".

  2. And the fact checkers on both sides won't deny it's authenticity. But we already knew this. We owe Joe McCarthy an apology.

  3. Has come to pass, and now here we are.
    Bear in Indy

  4. They’ve been planning the downfall of this Republic for a long time. Just moving faster these days.

  5. Most people are emotionally reacting, instant gratification driven with short memories. The progressive elites know it and are using it in various ways, like erasing history, to alter America's culture. Kings and peasants are the norm. A free and independent society where all citizens are equal in an anomaly. Like it or not, that 248-year American anomaly is about to end.

    1. Sad that a queer from Kenya got us to the final chapter.

  6. The author did not forsee taking our country to a debt of 130% of GDP.

  7. From some asshat in Commiefornia.. Boomer probably voted for it for the last 50 years and finally woke the fuck up.. Now trying to pretend it's not your fault. Your bed, you made it, enjoy your pillow hour.

    1. MILLIONS of Conservatives in California, more numerous the the ENTIRE POPULATIONS of SEVERAL OTHER STATES COMBINED, call BULLSHIT on you...

  8. The commies have been plotting, planning and implementing the overthrow of our republic since at least Woodrow Wilson's presidency.

  9. Or post online a claim that something similar to Yuri Besemov’s statement or Sal Alinsky and credit someone else for saying it 66 years ago will work as well.

    1. Not shouting at you Irish, best I can find is this and the author started about 3 years ago. So all the social media and innerwebz gurus never came across this prior to that. Sounds like most of what’s posted these days. Boolshit. I still think cameltoes a smoke screen with another change during the convention.

    2. Hillary the Cunt

  10. How do we get all those conservatives in California to vote?? Every radically liberal TV news report, every article, act, action. Happening from now to 11/5 …….. can be cured simply. GET OUT YOU Conservatives AND VOTE ..!!!!!

  11. You do realize the vote in California has been fixed since Schwarzenegger left office, don't you? Or fo you really think Newsom won his office?

  12. Too Late to Vote Our Way Out of This


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