Friday, July 12, 2024

Sorry Folks......



 For some reason I can only get to this section of the blog.  It won't let me post any pictures.

I am logged in, but it says I need to log in to "access this content" when I go to add pictures.

There was an issue with a virus on my work laptop so I had to go and start changing passwords.

I thought I had the goog all straighened out.

Anyway, fuck it, I'm going to bed.   There's always tomorrow.

Be safe and enjoy the evening.







  1. Calling my broker to short Jergens and Kleenex.

  2. Oh no! We have to search for hot women, vintage cars and trucks, and food on our own time? Your picks are always worth the wait.

  3. Odysseus, at the "By Other Means" blog had the same issue with his page a couple days ago.
    No problem, Brother. You've had a helluva streak going.
    Wouldn't hurt if you got a good night's rest for a change.
    We always have last week's FFFF to peruse.

    See ya on the other side.
    Enjoy the weekend, Boss.

    Whitehall, NY

  4. You don't have to apologize to us. Your many years of fantastic content more than give you the right to take your mental health and sanity as a priority, and take the occasional time off, just because.
    If course we all miss the FFF, since you do such a great job

  5. I was unsuccessful in commenting at another Bl*gger site earlier today, so I hope it's not the SHTF we've been waiting for.

  6. I have been fighting with that on my blog. Blogger/Google keeps giving me an error "You must log into your Google account to access those pictures" even though I AM logged into my Google account and the pictures reside on my computer and not on Google's cloud.

    I write it off as an unavoidable consequence of using a "service" that is "free". Prolly some idiot intern pushing the wrong buttons.

  7. Patience is key Grasshopper

  8. Well I didn't miss anything. Hope you get it fixed without too much more difficulty. - Nemo

  9. FWIW, I found that when Blogger is asking you to sign in even though you already are it generally means the monkeys at Google have tweaked the knobs again. I had the same problem when trying to respond to comments on my blog and was unable to. To overcome this I had to go into settings in my computer under privacy and security. Then under browser privacy select "custom" and allow 3rd party cookies.
    Mike in Scarborough, ME

  10. Virus? Work laptop? Uh oh. Must still be using Windows. I told you not to do that.
    One word. Linux. Problem solved.

  11. Awe man!!! The pictures will be worth the wait

  12. I saw a couple other folks saying they were having trouble with Blogger comments. More than likely those jackasses fucked something up doing an update.
    I will never understand why they insist on trying to fix things that aren't broken.

  13. I can hear Little Orphan Annie singing, “Tomorrow , Tomorrow, I love you, Tomorrow…”

  14. You are not alone. I am changing settings in Firefox around tracking cookies - since a new version was installed Tuesday... It has happened before on blogger/blogspot. Sometimes - only sometimes - logging in, then closing the add-image box, refreshing the post edit page will solve the problem for about 10 minutes.

  15. Uh, it'll still be Friday somewhere in the world tomorrow, won't it?

  16. Copywritten or controversial material is always censored, Dir. Me love you long time

  17. Laptops are cheap. I have several that are designated for one purpose only. I have a "financial" computer where I ONLY access banks, credit card companies, etc. I have one strictly for purchases--Amazon, Wally World, Local grocery store, etc. I also have one strictly for work, and the one I am on now is my "f*** around" computer for reading blogs and political websites.

    My point is, you should have a computer designated for blogging, etc. separate from work computer. Post an address or PO Box, and I'll be the first to send you a $20 spot in the mail. And I bet you have enough users that would do the same so you could purchase a laptop that is insulated from your work computer and its contagious viruses.

  18. OMG!!! The Apocalypse is upon us!!
    Or it’s just a glitch and all will be right with the world…either/or…choose accordingly. 😁

  19. i have a blogspot url as well. in the last week every time i attempt to post an image google sticks their foot in the door and tells me i can't unless i have permission from the owner of that image. one work around i've found works sometimes is to save the image to my machine/pictures, and then open it in the msn image editor, and then rc and copy which i then paste in the post in works. you may find a better solution but that's what i've found so far.

  20. __IT HAPPENS. FFF will be good when we get it.

  21. I suspect some sort of Demoncrat conspiracy to distract us from Joe :)

  22. Several other bloggers seem to be having the same issue. Peter over at BRM posted about it also. So - what Jeffery said. Cheers.

  23. Understand.
    Always tired from work by Friday evening so first thing Saturday morning for coffee and FFF.
    As an old man I really love the food pictures and trucks and cars.
    Also have a fondness for the more mature ladies posted.

  24. So long as it isn’t you that’s defective we’re good, hope you have a great weekend.

  25. Nooooooooooooooooo.......!
    (Do not want)


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