Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Seems Like The Wind Currents Can Bring California Trash To New Hampshire....











  1. Califrutopia sending human garbage to the rest of the country?

    Turnabout is fair play.

    1. We don’t need Newsom’s ideals here. For the record, I know there’s large percentage of good people stuck behind enemy lines and have to be ruled by the large blue counties and plethora of monies available to keep fucking things up.

    2. Human? I think not.

    3. Imagine how California felt when his aunt moved here. ;)

    4. they felt so bad they elected her,umm, how any times now.

    5. That was your toothless banjo-playing kinfolk who moved her too, and the 15M illegal aliens you've saddled us with since Eisenhower.
      You own the problems you created, and we'll own ours. ;)

  2. Do they want us to forget he campaigned from his basement and was selected in 2020? Now he craps his pants, can't finish a sentence, makes up stories that fishermen blush at and they want to support him, because??? I will say it, because he is NOT the one running this s**t show...

  3. (Sigh....) How many times do the DildoCrat idiots need to be told?
    PDJT didn't ban abortions.
    He just took it out of the FedGov hands, and gave it back to the states control.
    And the DildoCrat idiots can't abide that ANY of their collectivist power be taken away from them.I
    President Elect B Woodman

    1. And it was the RINOs in Congress who immediately demanded a Federal law on abortion, knowing that Dodd had ruled that out, just to give the DemonRats an issue to run on, so that Trump would have to deal with an R minority Congress, and the Rs could stop Trump without consequences.
      John in Indy

  4. I hate that POS.

  5. I thought Trump was good with sending the abortion issue back to the states to decide for themselves. You know, the laboratory of democracy at work. So the Democratic signage is just more lies.

  6. This dude just gives me the creeps, slimy serial killer vibes

  7. Greasy car salesman.

  8. He needs a hammer as well, what a phagget

  9. Crisco-coated demon.

  10. The races for offices of governor and 2nd district U.S. Rep have kicked off in NH with NIGHTLY ads on WMUR by the Demonrat Gov. candidates LYING about NH's abortion law, while declared Republican candidates are no where to be seen and no one knows who the Republican candidate might be for District 2 U.S. Rep. Looks to me like the GOP is abandoning NH to the Demonrats all because the current RINO Governor didn't veto the bill allowing out of state college students to vote here instead of telling them to pound sand and go home to vote OR vote absentee in their home state.

    I've been living here 50 years. I moved to NH for both a job and because I hated the corrupt, nanny state political environment in the state I grew up in. I'm too old to move now, not that there's anywhere nearby I could go to with a stomachable political environment.

    Makes me ill to think about the way this state has changed in the last 50 years. Free State Project? Bah Humbug. Total bust.

    1. A person would have to be extremely naive to not think those out of state students aren't voting in both states.

    2. Forgot to add, the Demonrat candidates mentioned above are ALL WOMAN. The declared GOP candidates are one man ans one woman. Chuck Morse has been in state government for over 20 years and is a CARREER POLITICIAN, NEVER having had a real job. Sound familiar? The other candidate for governor is Kelly Ayotte, former NH AG and former U.S. Senator for NH. Ayotte closely aligned herself with John McStain during her one term tenure in the Senate.

      So, if all of the Demonrat candidates are elected, which will probably happen since the NH GOP seems to have abandoned the fight by not producing contesting ads to Demonrat planks, NH is in for a bruising ride that will permanently turn this state blue. FFFUUUCCCKKK.

  11. Remember who counted the votes in the last presidential election & ask yourself if that has changed..

  12. Watch his body language. He's lying like a motherfucker.

  13. Kinda like interstate 95 bringing the yankee invaders to Florida.

  14. So, the guy who's saying we all need to live like cavemen for the sake of <> flies all the way across the country to kiss Biden's butt... This guy needs to be perforated...

  15. That slime bag reminds me of the Joker in the Batman movies with the voice over of Bill Clinton. POS.

  16. Mengele's Friend, Ernst Junger's translator is Bill Barr’s Brother…


    Who the Hell is Jon A Wolff
    Gigaohm Biological


  17. As a native Californian, I am so sorry that this thing is in your area.

  18. A true political where.

  19. The daughter lives in southern NH. It is very liberal.

    1. That's where I am. Southeastern corner of NH

    2. I'm also in NH.

      depends on where you go. NH has a higher guns-per-person than alaska and texas, and the Free State Project came here because of the gun/knife laws, no seatbelt laws, no helmet laws, no income taxes.

      for some weird reason the only thing you can't have in NH is a fake claymore mine. if you happen to have a real one, that's fine but a fake one is a no-no.

  20. There's a new term for what runs out of these Libtards mouths. Liberish.

  21. Irish, for future references please refer to it as Grabbin' Gruesome. It's correct name.
    Just sayin'

  22. Guessing that clown has some kind of secret relationship with the Soros boy.

  23. I am one of those behind enemy lines. Beautiful state geography wise, but we seem to have a problem with leaking our sewage to other states. Sorry New Hampshire. He is a turd and there are many more like him here, but guess what? My entire family stands for the Anthem, we don't bother anyone unless they bother us, Old Glory flies at our respective homes, we look after our neighbors, we say "Yes Sir No Sir and Yes Ma'am and No Ma'am". We stand fast!


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