Tuesday, July 23, 2024

My Delta Experience This Past Weekend


I happened to be one of the unfortunates trapped in the Delta software debacle (aka: COLOSSAL GOAT MATING). We were delayed, canceled, delayed, canceled, etc. Had we not persisted, I am not sure we would be home as yet. We were originally ticketed to return Friday afternoon but ended up arriving at our destination Sunday night 10:00 PM and after searching for lost luggage, we got out of the airport about eleven missing two pieces of luggage. Between the crowds, the .gov klowns (most couldn't speak good English), and potential for disaster, the reasons for me detesting flying immediately returned. I will say that I heard horror stories far worse than my experiences during this "rodeo". 

The last plane to leave Stalingrad from the WW2 movie titled Stalingrad 1993


  1. I am sorry you went though that. Glad you finally got home.

  2. A buddy of mine from the Iowa was headed to LAX from DFW, and it took him TWELVE freakin' hours to get out of Dallas.....

  3. The Last Plane clip seems to foreshadow now...thank the Almighty you are well and safely home. Hopi prophisied that at the end times of the Fourth World airplanes would fall out of the sky. And a house in the Heavens manmade falls to Earth in a great disaster...oh well, ca va.

  4. Jeffrey, our youngest daughter may be caught up in the remnants of this right now. Two hour flight delay = missed connection. She is now in the interim airport trying to find out when she will make it back.

  5. my sister was stuck in atlanta after some trade show. I haven't called her to see how it went yet. I expect a string of four letter words strong enough to make her dog run for cover.

  6. An interesting result of the "world wide" internet outage was that the voting machines in Arizona were affected/locked out. This is interesting because the company testified during the 2020 election investigation, that the voting machines could not be compromised through the internet because they cannot connect to the internet.

  7. With all the dei crap going on with airlines now, I don't see how anyone would fly anywhere. I'd rather drive.

  8. Sorry to hear of your travel issues. When I flew a lot in the 80s and 90s for business this happened occasionally enough that it was an oddball story you could use to prove that you were indeed a business traveler. Today it seems to be the norm.

    By the way, do you know what the "Delta" in Delta Airlines stands for? Doesn't Ever Leave The Airport.

    1. I thought it stood for "Divert Everyone's Luggage To Atlanta."

    2. Unfortunately the usual alternative to Delta is Sun Country. Talk about a mis-managed buffoonery. Sun Country. go to check your bags, no one at the counter. Then you have to drag it through the TSA morons who seem to want to take it all apart as punishment for bringing it through them. Easier to drive and doest really take much longer.

  9. As a professional ATP, you know the motto: “Time to spare, go by air”

  10. Day before Christmas DEc 24th 2023 I was in line at the local supermarket and the power went out on several registers, one of which I was queued in. Everything stopped. No sales. Nada. Your ice cream melting. Power back on. Reboot. Back to "normal"

    All this is Fragile.

  11. I hate to fly and do it as little as possible. Always a total cluster fuck. Is anyone remotely competent in charge anywhere? I know it is impossible these days to hire anyone with a functioning brain or common sense.

    1. It is as a lot have stated here. I am sure help is/was a problem. At check in we had a very competent, well dressed, professional guy that seemed to enjoy what he did for a living despite the madhouse setting of the computer crashes. Got the two lost bags back today. I had to make a trip to B'ham, but I got 'em!

    2. It was a test run.

      I had to go to Houston a week ago Sunday. Planned on rental car from the get go. Not going to let those T)housands S)tanding A)round cop a feel off me.

    3. I thought it stood for Touching Strangers' A$$es.

  12. Just be thankful they didn't put you on a 737 Max with a DEI crew...

  13. Favorite niece was on the west coast for a convention and got hit with this. She managed to get to Denver and stayed with her in-laws. She was on stand-bye flights till Thursday that got he to Houston then to Atlanta at 11 pm at a cost of $4500.

  14. Simple: don't fly!
    Shut up, I don't want to hear excuses. You pay for it, you're supporting it. You don't NEED to fly, you make excuses for having to. Tell work no. Send someone else.

  15. I can sympathize. Had a direct hop from Denver to Cleveland to attend my sister-in-law's funeral. Flight got canceled and we were put on a later flight from Denver to Phoenix to Cleveland! Spent all day on the plane and got into Cleveland at 3am!


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