Saturday, July 13, 2024

Memes and Musings

I forgot where I found this one, but the backstory is that this hunter and another were trailing this wounded brut. He charged from 15 yards and after the hunter's sphincter gave way (I'm being imaginative here), he hammered 10 rounds (I believe that is right) into it's vitals from the 10mm handgun shown, stopping the bear.



  1. Photo #2: What model of pistol is that 10 mm?

  2. Smith and Wesson

  3. I agree Irish…

  4. All The World Is A Stage…

  5. Too bad the bear didn't get moron or two.

  6. I have multiple Smiths and they are fine weapons but I honestly think I’d want something in a higher price range if I ever got out of my mind enough to chase one of those. Adrenaline junky maybe?

  7. The banner picture of Trump with his fist in the air and the flag waving in the background and the Secret service agents "covering" him is as iconic and significant as anything in the last 248 years. But look at the faces! There is only one face that shows genuine concern and commitment. The Secret Service agents are "doing their job" but the look on their face is more like "dammit he missed" than it is like "god bless America". We are so screwed...


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