Friday, June 28, 2024

Here Ya Go, The 90 Min Debate Condensed Into 90 Seconds...




 I watched it for entertainment purposes only.  After 40mins I gave up and went to bed.

They threw Biden out there, to the lions so to speak.

Get ready for Big Mike.

Enjoy your Friday!!




  1. Mike won't get past the physical, among other reasons. If they go Diversity Hire, then it's Chlamydia - and they can't go with her, either. Anybody who wants to start a pool is going to have a lot of fun.

    1. It will be Big Mike. It fills all the special interest groups that the Dems cater to.

  2. Watching last night's "debate" makes me reconsider my stance on euthanasia; at least it would be a more humane way to get rid of that jackass.

  3. Sorry to be Debbie downer at the "Yay Bidens TOAST" party.

    But I know he is just the sacrificial face man of the Deep State. WHAT's NEXT?

    Our Hollow Military (See Area Ocho for excellent write up and Aesop's efforts for Putin BAD MAN) is ALL that SUPPORTS the "Full Faith and Creditworthiness" of the US Dollar.

    Afghanistan, Ukraine and the Hothi's put a serious dent in it.

    The Fake it till you make it of "pResident Sockpuppet" is dead.

    Is the Deep State going to "Protect" the Dollar and go to WAR to hide the failures?

    Or is some sort of common sense coup going to give us a OFF RAMP to WW3 with Russia-China.

    Got trusted friends, a good garden, safe water and plenty of canned food?

    If I am totally wrong what do you lose following this disaster advice?

    You can still eat the canned foods, have trusted friends and so on.

    What's the value of Aesop's Overtime Money "Plump Retreat Fund" when it's really Hyperinflation German paper marks?

    Who really cares what the next disposable face person the Deep State will select?

    WORST CASE in my opinion is THEY will ALLOW Trump to "WIN" and make the system IMPLODE. That way given Joe 6 packs goldfish memory MAGA is to BLAME and THEY return to "Save the Day".

    I pray I am wrong, but are there really any White Hats in Government anymore?

    1. This does make sense. They have been in it for the long game. How many years have they worked on ruining the education system? Indoctrinating all the youth. It's all bread and circus. This country is not going to turn around in four short years no matter who is elected. Based on the long game, you are probably correct. They will start WW3 or CW2.0. "Let" Trump get elected and implode the system on the republicans watch thus solidifying the future for the lefties and keeping the serfs fighting amongst ourselves. No one is going to stop what's coming. Might as well enjoy the Titanic Band and when the time comes take some of the MF's with ya.

    2. if nothing happens this summer, you can bet your ass they will try to crash the system after he gets in.
      dollar becomes worthless, power grid might be gone, no gas or food to be had. and just watch people turn on each other for a can of baked beans. the cities will burn to the ground in most places if that happens.
      expect a mass of people streaming out of the cities looking for food and water. ammo up and be uphill of you can. people hate to walk uphill.

    3. This assumes a lot of Demo Congressmen stay in. Given all the Squaddies getting tossed in the primaries, I think that's one reason why you never assume.

    4. "Got trusted friends, a good garden, safe water and plenty of canned food?"

      I live in the middle of the biggest cattle country outside of Texas, and I surrounded by Mennonite farmers with green thumbs from God himself who do little except grow food. I'll be fat and happy while inner-city leftoids will be eating bugs to survive...

  4. Hi Irish!!!,
    What "ed" said about "Mike" has it... slowly.... "Toto" is pulling the Magic Curtain Back!!!! Once that Charade is "totally exposed(*)" Their "House of cards" will collapse!!!
    Audentes, Fortuna, Iuvat,
    (*) I wonder what the stack of dead bodies of those who "Know" who tried to "Talk" will look like????

    PS 'Need to see some "MK-IV, MOD-O High Speed Hot Brass Catcher's!!!!!!"
    PPS Meanwhile, back at the ranch,... 'Loadin' Mags and Cleanin' Pieces!!!!!!!"

  5. I also enjoyed the comedy that was Sleepy Joe last night. Sadly, it looks like they chose NOT to pump him full of cocaine, and that means only one thing. They are done with him and moving to another choice. A Big Mike nomination will certainly appease the female black voters that are apparently stupid and vote 90+% identity politics. Please share with any of your black friends and ask them to share in the black community. If you want to shed the label of stereotypical dumb, quit voting that way. Step out and show some critical thinking skills. Smart voters see this. The Democrats moved the black community from one plantation to another where they are supposedly free but they are forever tied to the (welfare) system. The welfare system is not limited to those that do not work. The welfare system includes the old Affirmative Action system and the current version called DEI. The country needs someone "acceptable" to say this, but that is a pipe dream. Anyone with the courage and charisma to say this will be taken out by the left.

    1. I can hardly wait for Mike to do to the country what he did for the School Lunch Program, just so I can say "I fucking told you so!"

    2. They'll nominate the Chautauqua C+nt as it is HER turn.

    3. Skyler, "it was her turn" in 2016.
      The only thing I'd like about Joe stepping down is it would make Kamala the first woman President, which would frost Hillary's ass no end.

    4. Note: The C-word has no application to Hiligula, she lacks both the depth and the warmth...

  6. For the dems, it was a slow motion shit show of a train wreck.
    I savored every moment.

  7. Some of the channels afterwards showed press questioning Gavin Newsom if he would do it if asked. They said "he looks presidential"... What a disaster he would be. Commiefornia on a national scale.

    1. If nuisance is ever elected, the final nails will be driven into the USA's coffin. He will finish the destruction initiated by Obozo and furthered by Obozo's third term with Bribem. Any Demonrat that's been in the public eye over the last two decades will complete the destruction, including Kennedy.


  8. After last night I expect the DNC to insert Michelle at the DNC Convention to try to keep the black vote and let Barack run things. I do not think it will work as Black Males, Hispanics, and others will not back Michelle. Obama and Biden have worked to destroy the USA and Michelle will not get far from their past.

    Michelle does not have a business or political background that is good for making the economy good, the illegals gone, and negotiations with foreign countries. The MSM and Fox has lost credibility and many people see reality in the grocery stores and crime.

    1. Wow using your reasoning Carter and Obama were excellent candidates. Both were truly great presidents.

  9. They agreed to do the debates as a setup to dump him at the convention and pick up another, my guess if Newsom from Calif.
    He has all the right family connections.

    1. His Majesty has said otherwise, although, technically, that means nothing. I think Newsom sees this year as a disaster for the Demos and is staying out. This presumes this isn't one of those landmark elections like 1932.

      On that, I have a funny feeling.

  10. Wasn't June 5th the cut off for presidential candidates, ballots etc? Just sayin'....

  11. They challenged Trump and by making all the rules, CNN, no live audience, they expected Trump to turn them down. He kicked them in the nuts by accepting and Joe kicked himself in the nuts last night. Bwahahaha.

  12. I watched about 50 minutes. I just couldn't stomach watching another minute of Bribem, the supposed "leader of the free world"(what a fucking joke) halting, stuttering, lost train of thought performance. It started as soon as he walked on stage approaching the podium he WAVED AT THE AUDIENCE. As we all know, there was no audience. About twelve minutes in, he froze for about 5-6 seconds trying to remember WTF he was talking about and then stumbled through the ending of his statement, never picking back up his original train of thought.

    Then, his voice, throughout the entire time I watched was weak. He sounded like an old person.

    If the press in this country were honest, they'd have opened the morning calling for the 25th Amendment, settling the who's going to run for President for the Demonrats during the convention. Isn't it fitting that the Demonrat nominating convention is being held in Chicongo this year, the scene of another debacle of a Demonrat national convention 56 years ago. This oughta be a barn burner.

    After I turned it off I found "Lawrence of Arabia" playing on one of the cable channels. Truth be told, if I had found that before the debate, I probably wouldn't have watched any of it.

    Prepare for a Demonrat ticket of Senator pant suit and Hairball Nuisance. No telling, at this point, who's going to be on top. I don't think either one would accept being second fiddle any way. I hope it's Hitlary. I'd enjoy seeing Trump beat her like a drum AGAIN.


  13. Some time ago Joe was given 2 options by Obama:

    1- Lose the debate and set up Michelle Obama for the nomination at the convention. Retire and live in luxury.

    2- Hey Joe, run, lose and we (The Democrat elite) will work with the Republicans to see you, your wife, your brother and son go to prison for 50 years due to your collusion with the Ukrainians & Chinese to launder hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars.

  14. Irish, you’re a bigger man than me. No way I could watch that shit but I did get a chuckle from your video

  15. I've been watching Bill Whittle's "Empire of Terror." As the son of a 20 year enlisted Navy/Air Force cold war veteran, I grew up knowing the Soviets were the bad guys, more so than those who gripe about hiding under their desks. My dad was NCOIC of the avionics shop of the 48th Fighter Interceptor Squadron from 1966 to 1971, I used to sit at dad's workshop in the summertime, he worked a swing shift and I could watch F-106s launch from the alert barn next door. I knew they frequently did so to chase TU-95 Bear bombers that flew up from Cuba to test our defenses.

    I was thrilled to see the Soviet Union collapse only to be dismayed 20 some years later by the herd of halfwits here who think communism is cool. About a month ago I stumbled across this trailer on YouTube:

    Spanning 8 one hour and something episodes, it covers the rise of Lenin to the death of Stalin. You have to pony up a month's worth for the Daily Wire +, some may balk at Ben Shapiro's signature site, I'm not a huge fan myself, but I am a fan of Bill Whittle, and he leaves no stone unturned. In one particularly ghoulish part, Bill speaks of Gulag prisoners in the Stalinist era burying to dead during an unusually warm Siberian Spring when the frozen bodies from the Lenin era spilled out of a snow bank. 20,000 thousand of them. I've watched horror movies not half as scary.

    If there are young'ns in your family who are leaning toward the "commies are cool" side, they could benefit from this video series...

  16. Everyone hates Kamala, she brings nothing to the table, but they can't just dump her. Somebody already said it, they will put her on the supreme court. Someone said she'll replace Brown, but Sotomeyer is the best bet, she's had ill health for a while.

    Once Kamala is gone Hillary not Mike will be the vice pres.

    Think of it. 1st Lady, Sec of State, Senator and now Vice Pres. They already touted her as the 'most experienced candidate in history' being VP only adds to her resume.

    She'll accept the nomination, even though Joe won't step down. And because she is VP she will be running as incumbent democrat in her first term, statistically speaking a very strong position to run from.

    She, Hillary will name Michelle as her running mate.

    Now you got the big tent, woman, lesbians, blacks, trans, and freaks of all sorts. It will be a nightmare ticket for a rich white male to run against.

    Watch and see.

  17. Moochelle Obozo? I doubt it. Most likely pinch hitter will be that oily POS Grabem Nuisance...Peelousy's distant relative.

  18. Have to disagree for a number of reasons.
    1) Joe OWNS the DELEGATES.
    Either he quits or dies to give them up.
    They cannot be TAKEN from him.
    2) The State ballots have been set with Joe as the Democrat candidate.
    The Dems can run someone else as an Independent, but not as a Democrat as that train has left the station.
    3) Mike Obama has zero intention of running. Period.
    She has stayed far away from everything BIDEN and most "politics" for 3.5 years.
    Besides, I think it would become common knowledge that MIKE IS MALE and a TRANNY.
    ** The MOST likely scenario is that they start the WAR with Russia, cancel the elections, and do what they want as nothing seems to stop the Democrat/BORG machine.
    Carry On,

    Good Luck All,

  19. Democrats, the party of hate since 1828

  20. At long last Biden can truthfully declare, "My butt's been wiped!"


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