Sunday, June 2, 2024

" Drive Safe, Watch Out For Idiots"... Famous last words.....









  1. Not sure who was worse ... the driver that hit a stopped cycle ... or the cyclist that stopped at a yield when there was no oncoming traffic

  2. the driver that hit a stopped cycle
    Worser.. She was looking at traffic, or the phone,, or both, but not in front of her.
    That is a really long odds event. If I was him,I'd call her every time I was going to get on my bike and ask her if she is going anywhere.
    She was following way too close, he had only just stopped when she hit him.
    How could she possibly not be aware of a Motorcycle that she is less than three seconds behind? Now let that be her son? Yeah, lady,there Are idiots to watch for. I'm sure glad she didn't hurt him.

  3. Did anyone realize that was his Mom that hit him ?


  4. I'm pretty sure I did. The Goddammit, Mom gave it away

  5. Yeah I realized it was his Mom.
    This is why I never have the sissybar & pad on the bike when I ride solo.
    It could really eff up your back if you're rear-ended.
    - WDS

  6. Remember mom's advice will never steer you wrong.

  7. I guess he didn't watch out for idiots after all.

  8. Time for Mom to give up the keys before she really hurts someone!


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