Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mothers Day..


  Happy Mothers Day to all the Mom's out there.


Without you, none of us would be here.


I'm off to visit my Mom.  She'll be 88 later this week.


 This is her back in high School...

Have a nice day , all.



  1. Beautiful !! Enjoy your mom, I sure miss mine.

  2. Happy Mothers Day to all you Mothers out there. Mine's been gone for 5.5 years now. She was 98. I remember her every day. Remember the good times. Keeping them in your thoughts keeps them alive.


  3. Yes, a right handsome and alluring woman! Enjoy your mother as much as you can, mine passed away in 2007 and the empty spot never goes away.

  4. What I wouldn't give to be able to hug and kiss my sainted mother one more time.


  5. When I compare the pic of your mom, who I assume is about 18, to current HS 18 year old kids I am struck by how much more mature your mom looks. Our current crop of HS kids look like children in comparison.

  6. I’m visiting my Mom in Hartford Hospital this evening. Drove down from Southern NH, not the best of Mother’s Day, but grateful we can be together. Cherish your time

  7. Your father had good taste. Irish! My mom rejoined my father back in 2014. He left us in '93, one month before my first son was born.

  8. Our mother's are the same age. Mine had the same hairstyle but had auburn hair.

  9. Class of '54? This will be our 70th. Kinda wish I could make our reunion, but driving a thousand miles is a little too much for me now.

    Attaboy for visiting your mom today, Irish.

  10. You guys were all on the mark with your comments and memories of your mothers.

  11. cherish them!
    Visited mine in the hospital weekend before Valentine's Day, kissed her forehead a few times, hugs weren't really possible with all the medical equip, was able to help feed she did for me as a baby. We tried our best to communicate but it was difficult between her struggle to speak and her Alzheimers. She did recognize me and gave a great big smile, i was struck by her beautiful blue eyes , even in that poor condition .
    I had to leave at some point for the long drive home, it was one of the hardest things in my life walking out of there

    she passed on Valentines Day

    Thank You & I miss you, Mom

  12. So those of us who had evil and destructive mothers aren't allowed to comment here

  13. My mom will also be 88 this summer. We took chinese over, and some of our kids and their kids, the (great) grands, for a relaxing evening. made her laugh, made her cry ... as it should be. then my dad looks over (he's 96) and says, "how many weeks till fathers' day?" we enjoy all the time with them we can, we know their time is short.

    - Chi.

  14. Hug them if you got them.


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