Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Do you think there is a tad bit of decadence going on with this one???

Pictured above is Baroness Gisela Josephine von Krieger with her 1936 Mercedes Benz 560k and the zepplin Hindenburg.

After looking at the B/W photo, I would have guessed the car to be white, but the silver paint only adds to the class of this fine automobile. I am not proof positive it is silver. Some of these sleek beasts I have seen in photos on the interwebz labeled the von Krieger Benz are black. Another thing is the car in the photo with the zeppelin has  "black walls out" while the Wiki photo has gargantuan white sidewall tires.

Click HERE for a few more tidbits about the Baroness

h/t to Bob in Elizabethtown


  1. At the time, no. You're judging ex post facto.

  2. I wondered how both she and the car survived the Nazi era until I read the additional notes.

  3. Extravagance, maybe. Very nice. Enjoying that short life we’re given.

    1. Oh, nothing wrong with being a little decadent, but some high ranking NAHTSee officials did frown upon it. Of course, there were others who relished it and continued, but behind closed doors and away from prying eyes. She was married into Prussian aristocracy. I gather she did like she wanted and was able to get herself and her car out of Germany.

  4. thats back when the Mercedes was admirable

  5. Such an opulent life, and she ended up forgotten - the tomb of Gisela Von Krieger was decommissioned in January 2021, The entire Sector is now completely disused.

    Sic semper celebritas .

  6. No, I think there is a tad bit of excellence going on in that photo, before America became a third world repository for failed cultures and a receptacle for sub-human rejects.

  7. Oh the humanity! (Damn, that car is fine)
    - WDS

  8. As of the day before yesterday, it's been 87 years since that big bird blew up - May 6, 1937.


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