Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Seems Legit...


 From the inbox:

From Olivia Grace

My name is Mrs. Olivia Grace, I am a dying woman who has decided to donate what I have to the Charities. I am 75 years old and was diagnosed for cancer about four years ago, immediately after the death of my husband .I have been touched to donate
from what I have inherited from my late husband for the good work rather than allow his relatives to lavish my husband's hard earned fund. As I lay on my sick bed, I want you to help me in carrying out my last wish on earth which will also be very profitable to you. I want to WILL a total sum of $5.5 million USD to you which I want you to
distribute part of it to any charity home for me and the rest for yourself and your family, I will inform you on how to share all

Please kindly click the reply and get back to me.  
Best regards,
Mrs. Olivia Grace.






  1. Replies
    1. Thanks :) I'll send in the 2500.00 processing fee for the atty and get back to you!

  2. Yeah, just give us the address of your bank or financial institution, mother's maiden name, SSN, home address, and a few other details and we'll get that money wired right to you!

    1. She forgot to mention her late husband was an African Prince.

    2. Lemme guess - Nigeria?

  3. Haven't seen that scam around in a while. Guess it's time to recycle it for a comeback.

  4. She’s probably donating to Catholic charities so I will give a couple of million

  5. From a transgender African Prince, no doubt

  6. So, the Nigerian Prince has morphed into a little old lady. Schweet! - Nemo

  7. Hi, my name is Percival Adonis, but my friends call me Perry Adonis. I’m not rich, but I’m accepting tax deductible cash contributions to my hookers and blow fund.

  8. She's still writing letters? Thought she would have croaked from the cancer 6 years ago.

  9. At the current rate of exchange, there's a sucker born every second.
    Opportunity abounds.


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