Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday Feel Good - Straight To The Point...








  1. Tell us how you really feel? (All blue collar workers.)

  2. Lost them??? He never had them. He had, and still has, the union bosses. But he never had the workers.

  3. Saw this on Rob Shmidt's 7:00PM segment on NewsMax last night. I roared laughing. - Nemo

  4. yeah. this is why I don't think we even going to have a election this year. they know they are fucked in a free and fair election. most people might not like Trump, but what they have done so far has pissed off damn near everyone !
    and it not Biden doing it, he just signs whatever they put in front of him and he gets more ice cream.
    no, something will happen just like 2020 so they can cheat on a massive scale AGAIN.
    QUESTION IS, are we going to stand by again and do nothing about it again ?
    if we do nothing, well then. it is our fault and whatever happens after that is on us.

    1. Trump had the best foreign, domestic, and economic policies of ANY President. I'm not after a "nice guy" for President. The rest of what you typed I totally agree with.

  5. Typical Trump supporter. Blue collar and low iq.

    1. Translation: "My pussy hurts!"

    2. please tell us how smart you are anon.

    3. Better still, tell us who you are.

    4. Typical Biden supporter...doesn't know what sex it is...and...well...I'll leave it at that

    5. All of us " low iq, blue collar guys " built pretty much everything society needs. Like the electric grid , plumbing, buildings, food production and supply . So , there's that...

    6. To my friend on the left, why does your kind always assume that blue collar workers are low IQ? Your comments, and others like them, continue to show why your kind will never understand the common man even though you claim to support him. As Ronald Reagan once said:

      "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so."

      The left equates intelligence and status with the volume of education. It's not the number of years of useless liberal education that makes you intelligent. You are born with a certain amount of intelligence. You cannot buy more with Carbon Credits and Virtue Signaling. Some of the most idiotic statements known to man are made by leftist politicians that do not understand the simple world around them (Rep Hank Johnson on Guam and Sheila Jackson Lee on the moon).

      Watch and listen to somebody like Mike Rowe to understand the abundance of IQ in many of America's blue collar workers. There is a certain amount of satisfaction that comes from making something with your hands via skill and intelligence. I have performed both blue and white collar work in my career, and I completely understand that satisfaction. It never ceases to amaze me how the most "tolerant" of people have absolutely NO TOLERANCE for anyone that does not think and act exactly like them. If your party was actually cared about the common middle class, it would never lose an election. Take away all of the race and gender "baiting" from the left, and it boils down to this. The left says "We will take from the Producers and give to you for free. Vote for me and everything will be free". The right says "You will need to work hard in your lifetime to achieve success, but if you do work hard, there is no limit to your possible success for you and your family".

      "Free to you by the labor of others" vs "Work hard to achieve".

      It is that simple.

  6. That anon needs another tub of TDS butthurt cream. Maybe a suppository or two for dessert.

  7. Nice, but totally staged. The way he handled the pizza box gave it away.

    1. How's it staged ...the guy in front of him had a slice in his hand
      you're a clown

    2. Stop frame it and you will see it is a dunkin donuts box. Who cares if the sprinkles from one get on the frosting of another? 45 - 47

    3. Pizza box, it was a cable box, but you live on pizza and never made anything, so how would a moron like you know how the world works? Go protest at Columbia, please.

  8. I run cranes across several states ,my company is nation wide mostly wind and he does have the union bosses but only 2-5 percent of the workforce in the area I travel. Most people are very vocal about it so the commies pretty much keep their heads down.


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