Sunday, March 3, 2024

Powerful forces are at play. This is a multiplayer game.










  1. Any money for Border Security gets spent bringing more illegal aliens IN.

    1. Anywhere else, they would call that TREASON.

  2. Preliminary house keeping? There are good ways to minimize forensic data after significant events, such as removing evidence before the event. The camp appears to have only had a "riot" at the records office.

  3. An heroes keep threatening me a good time.

  4. a dozen or so 81mm (or better yet 4.2's ) well placed mortars would erase that camp from Google Earth

    and take with it lots of terrorist wanta-bees, and a couple dozen "do-gooders" that deserve to meet their maker.

  5. A-10 brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt
    Cluster bombs for effect
    Napalm to clean up the evidence.

  6. Remember that M.E. guy a month or two ago who said, after he was asked his name by some "journalist" as he was crossing the border near Eagle Pass, "you'll know my name shortly"?

    Kurt Schlichter has a new book out titled "The Attack" which tells fictional stories of attacks on civilian populations at various places; like schools, malls and on infrastructure, told in the first person via surviving eye witnesses.

    Between the M.E. and Chinese "single, fighting age males" estimated to be three or four divisions strong, so far, since Bribem opened the border to every turd world shit hole, we could be in a heap of crap.

    According to the novel, they will all be trigger pullers deployed in three and six man fire teams throughout the country. The attacks didn't happen all at once, but were spread over a week or two upping the demoralization factor of both the populace, first responders and the National Guard.

    I know it's fiction, however no average citizen thought a 9/11 could happen here either. With the See Eye Aaa and the Eff Bee Eye seemingly concentrating their manpower on soccer mom and Catholic domestic terrorists and spying on political figures in the opposing camp, what is escaping their notice?


  7. “Am here in Darien as I so often am. This is methodical invasion. Not incompetence. It may be an incompetent methodical invasion but it is methodical and intentional.” - Michael Yon

    How can I help but see Obama’s paw prints all over this?

  8. Yes, A-10s and many of them. White phosphorus would be a nice touch.

  9. A-10s are good, but for this, a 60 x 120 mile area, we may just need a few good Arc Lights.
    John in Indy

    1. I love a good ArcLite strike...

  10. Spectre gunships and 16" naval guns would be fun.

  11. A couple of years ago I was wanting another big chest freezer. The guy at Lowes told me FEMA was redirecting all shipments to Houston Texas to central warehouse. Very few were going back out to the retail establishments that had ordered them. I believe what the guy said But had no real understanding why, now I do


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