Wednesday, March 6, 2024

My first thought upon reading the headline was "what have those Amish boys been up too now?"

 Mahogany Jackson was stripped naked, held against her will, physically tortured, spat on, beaten, and forced to perform sexual acts in the hours before she was shot in the back of the head. The trial has been going on this week in Jefferson County/Birmingham. There is a lot of brutal "stuff" that goes in the once Pittsburgh of the South. I suppose what makes this crime unique is that eight savages participated in the heinous act involving Ms. Jackson.

Read more HERE.


  1. If the attackers are all black, the story gets memory holed. If they're latino illegals they will be called white on their arrest sheets and we will be lectured once again on muh white supremacy.

  2. It's the first time I'm hearing of this.

    Amish, all of them.

  4. I checked the perps, black as pitch. Typical knee-grow shit. Hang the lot of em.

  5. Anyone remember Channon Christian and Chris Newsom? The media didn't want to report that murder either.

    1. Was that the nice looking white couple tortured and killed by a gang of ferals around Knoxville some years ago?

    2. a similar heinous act by low life dirt bags that are still breathing.

    3. To Jeffrey in Alabama: Yes.

    4. Knoxville Tennessee murders....HORRIBLE.

    5. It makes a pleasant change to see killers preying on their own demographic.

  6. Black on black violence. Surprised this is being reported on. The media tends to ignore this demographic unless it
    serves an agenda.

  7. Suffering from negro fatigue

  8. If they need someone to carry out the death sentence on every single one of them, I volunteer.

  9. Those damn Amish White Supremacist strike Again!!

  10. When law enforcement is removed and judges give crimes like this a pass its no wonder the criminal (s) is having a free for all to commit these crimes against humanity. Black on Black crime is rampant yet to say that's the truth is saying the always "racist" crap. It must stop because black on black crime is not racist it is simply a crime against another person, a vicious nasty crime that those that attacked and killed this woman should be treated like the men in the movie In Cold Blood, the men who killed the family in the movie were taken down after trail & found guilty to the court house basement and hung, no jail time & save the tax payer money. BTW: liberals will always find an excuse not to put criminals on death row and or released back in public to harm citizens once more.

    1. "Let the poor guy go. He dindu nuffin. See? He just serves as an abortion opportunity missed."

    2. I would argue that removing LE would result in a LOT of this shit ending right gawddamn now at the hands of decent people who no longer have to fear being prosecuted for doing the right thing for the right reasons.... These monsters are being protected by the system they're too fucking stupid to appreciate.

    3. The police are their for the criminals protection…… including the state

  11. Niggas gonna nig.

  12. In 1984 , Virginia executed Linwood Briley by electric chair.
    One of my favorite radio DJs, Henry "The Bull" DelToro played " Shock the Monkey " right before the execution as a tribute to Briley. I still laugh about that one..

  13. God help me, but I don't much care. Blacks are somehow uniquely evil, likely due to genetics far as I can tell, and while this example might be particularly heinous, THIS IS WHAT THEY DO, given the opportunity.

  14. If they would just kill their own people , I wouldn't care.

    1. 80% + of time Blacks kill Blacks. Shocking this made the MSM news. Sad state of affairs we live in.

  15. Interesting side note. If you peruse the memes posted above this story, one of them concerns Media and Racism. I shared to FB and got an immediate notice that this violates their Community Standards. What community is that? Racist media hacks?

    1. I bet racism was the last thing on that girl's mind while she was being given the "Comanche treatment" by these choir boys.

  16. Sick evil stuff but what was she doing there I wonder

  17. Disgusting - the actual crimes AND the comments on here! What is wrong with people? An innocent woman was tortured, raped, and murdered! Does the fact that she is black and her executioners were black?? NO - it's still inhumane to do his to someone!

    1. You do know that inmates don’t scratch under or climb over to get in prisons?

    2. Go cry somewhere else sweetie. Whites are under constant attack by these fucking animals so it’s a relief when they kill and eat each other. Good riddance to all of them.

    3. B.C. (The Original)March 8, 2024 at 7:24 PM

      The majority of comments deriding the current state of "culture" in the black community are simply stating FACTS and their OPINIONS about the real and present danger presented to EVERYONE currently living anywhere that "black culture" exists on the planet, especially in the U.S. If you have any cogent examples of "black culture" providing anything of worth to our current planetary situation, please feel free to enlighten us. If not, you are cordially invited to go have coital relations with yourself. (Which is probably how you have them, anyway. )

  18. Think of the welfare money saved.

  19. Who would have thought that Fani had 8 nephews?

  20. another hood rat breeder out of breeding welfare hoodrats that whypopo get to pay for..Good riddance, she KNEW who these animals were, just didn't expect them to devour her..its what chimps do, they are known for long as it stays within their race, i don't care if they cook all up on the barbie...

    13% or less of US population commits the VAST majority of violent crime, stay away from non white, chimps especially...avoid crows as Ol Remus used to say...

    Too bad the great Lincoln did not go thru with his plan to ship all kneegrows back to Africa or elsewhere..lotta trouble could have been avoided...

  21. Shoot them all and burn their bodies in pig fat.


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