Thursday, February 29, 2024

Welcome To The Main Stream Media... The Fifth Column


 Another tragedy made incredibly worse by the media 

and complete lack of unbiased journalism and outright lies.







  1. Yer just now realizing the media lies and paints a totally different portrait ow what happens to suit their agenda?

  2. So is non binary the same as trans, or was Eggs Benedict just a seriously weird girl?

    1. Seriously weird girl pretending to be neither female (despite her chromosomes saying otherwise) no male (which she wasn't).

      Welcome to Clown World!

  3. I wonder if that’s the most recent photo we have of her, or just the one designed to elicit the most sympathy? You know, like the 3 to 5 year older one, before she dyed her hair putple?

    1. It is an older picture. Another site has a pic of her in a hospital bed, no bruises, about 5 years older and 50 lbs heavier.
      John in Indy

    2. You mean like Trayvon's photo at age 12?

  4. I live in the area where this happened. I can tell you first hand most of the media is bullpucky! We have a local station here that caught hell for not reporting the made up crap. It is beyond me how these young ones get drawn into all this made up stuff about who they are. I am more glad I grew up in the 50's every day. My favor saying right now is they can just keep screwing it up because I aint going to be around to see it.

    1. Like my mom used to say, "idleness is the devils playground..." or something like that. What she was meaning was, keep the kiddos busy with chores. The kids these days aren't expected to do anything but breath, eat and sheat. What a great playground for weird thoughts to be fostered.

  5. The alphabet soup people are always innocent victims

  6. OK, I was right about the cutesy pic of her tounger self, except for the purple hair, as per police body cam…
    (Following includes body cam footage and her own admission that she provoked the fight by pouring water on the kids she thought were laughing at her…

    And what’s with her being a 16 y.a. sophomore? I was 16 when I was a senior!. Did she (and other students?) lose 2 years to that absurd unnecessary COVID lockdown? If so, how much did that contribute to any mental issues that might have been involved?

  7. Whatever "media outlet" reported that, needs to bleed money till they no longer have a pot to piss in. Only way it ever changes

    1. For those that, already, "gots theirs", change is only found at the end of a rope.

      (Don't snivel at me about it! Take it up with gravity.)

  8. Get ready for the floodgates of propaganda to open.

  9. The author(s) of the article should be brought up on charges.

  10. Current mainstream media behavior is the proof there should never be freedom (of speech) without accountability (for lying)...

  11. truth from the media? are you kidding? every word out of their mouth is a lie including "and" and "The"

  12. When you agree to say that NAMBLA's "Daddy of The Year" is a "major award" -- you've already sworn allegiance.

    (For the *actual* DOers -- who don't have time to pontificate... especially when they're *proud* that they don't understand -- when those that call you "enemy" describe a "tragedy" to you -- any "tragedy"... ALL "tragedies" -- any response beyond "good" is betrayal of self.)

  13. I learned at the 2020 election that all MSM including Fox was giving us BS. This is when I dropped all cable except for internet and went to streaming. I get local weather/traffic from local weather APP. Otherwise I stream, radio, or read what I want. I have a Smart TV that has access to APPs that I want but I limit paying for them as TV is garbage over what it used to be.

  14. Trannies do seem to be very violent.

  15. Close to home. My kids went to school there. Early on first thing I noticed is no one saying how she died after going home from the hospital. Sad all the way around but people milking it for all it’s worth, evil bastards. Their day is coming and that girls mom needs to be slapped for not getting the kid help

  16. The new news is entertainment for the masses with a silent M. Their opinion is based on its value to entertain, not truth. The single truth here is that whatever the truth ends up to be , It will not be televised .

  17. If the presstitutes couldn't lie, they'd have nothing to print. It's not what they do, it's who they are. It's their nature.

  18. Our agenda-driven, clown car media

  19. Weirdo is dead?

  20. Weirdo is dead?


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