Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Phil's Brother From Another Mother... Vindication....









  1. Lol, beat me to it.
    I saw that earlier but didn't get on it quick enough.
    I have, however, had such moments, even if they are rare so I do know that feeling.

    1. Your brother’s mother treated him better than yours.
      If you got on the floor rolling around like that, I don’t think you could get back up on your own.

    2. He'd rock himself to sleep trying ... so there is that.

      Phil B

  2. It is good to know I’m not the only one.

    1. Thank the Lord in that "we" are not alone.
      That reaction is me too after my being the house hero and goading my wife about finding EXACTLY what I need in my garage to fix the problem at hand after listening to 40 years of, "why don't you clean out that garage?".

  3. Phil, your only problem is that it would of taken you wwaaaaayyyy longer to find it in your garage than he did. Just saying.

  4. Phil, it would of taken you wwaaaaayyyyy longer to find in your garage than he did in that over organized basement.

  5. That's ME, but realizing I finally after all those years threw that piece out a week ago. ......
    As in giving a hitch pin that was laying in my garage for 12 years to my son and then a week later buying an Ebike for myself plus a hitch for my car to carry it, and then I needed to BUY a hitch pin.....

    1. You too? Small world...

    2. I am somewhat comforted in knowing I'm not the only one. Something that's just taking up space finally gets tossed out, then I find myself in a situation where I need the thing - usually within the next day or so. Or, I know I have an item I need for a project, but cannot find it. After giving up the search and purchasing a new one, I find the original item - usually within the next day or so.

  6. Right now, I'm making a stand for my walking sticks from a cherry board I have had for at least 10 years.

  7. Two years ago I sorely tempted fate. I had enlisted a yout to help clean out a garage (yes, it's been known to happen).
    He picked up a small cabinet full of 50+ years of well organized screws, bolts, etc. I explicitly told him to not lie it down. So he did exactly that.
    Which rendered a pile of assorted hardware. Dammit!

    I ended up tossing the whole shebang.

  8. I’m just a simpleton, but whatever I just watched was hilarious ……thank you guys 😂

  9. Just sent this to a bunch of friends, under the title of Home Repair Epiphany.

  10. That woulda been my old man except instead of happiness it would've been sarcasm. I miss that guy.
    - WDS

  11. And that is exactly why I never throw anything away...


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