Saturday, January 27, 2024

Maybe the same people will get real serious and buy a good battle rifle and some ammo. Swords are fine and all, but just saying.

"Reclaim Your Freedom" is how the ad at reads for the Braveheart repro Sword that is selling like "hotcakes". I noticed when I searched for this ad, there was a "not in stock" notation.


  1. I actually have one of these. It stands in a spent 90mm artillery shell I use for an umbrella stand in the front foyer.

  2. Nothing says you can't carry a rifle, pistol *and* a sword...though maybe not a 4-5 foot long claymore. That's not the type of claymore that you need...

    1. Is Home Depot selling those type of Claymore’s?
      Can I order by the pallet?
      (I wonder is shipping is free?)

  3. Stainless is not a preferred sword steel...

  4. for $58.33 why not buy 5 or 6? And you can get a battle axe at Home Depot. Would have never guessed

  5. I like the Excalibur and Conan the Barbarian sword.
    They might get serious when the replacements show up with swords for some vibrant diverse enrichment.
    Naw, they'll just cry out for mommygov to send some donut molesters AKA cops.

  6. Nothing wrong with owning a sword. Problem is the majority of such things are made of poor quality metal, poorly smithed. Actually using one will result in it being rendered useless...or worse.


  8. Replies
    1. Amen brother. Most folks don't realize what a trained and motivated individual can do with one of those. I keep mine in my truck at all times.

    2. Good for many uses

  9. Saw a couple of young "goths" at a gun show a while back. They had bought a Masai spear and were thrilled.
    I approved.

  10. Any weapon that you can use is better than no weapon, but any gun is better than a sword.
    That said, a friend had a crazed home invader enter her house, and when the drawer that held her pistol stuck, she grabbed the Katana from the top of the dresser, struck him in the head with the sheathed blade, kicked him in the nuts, drew the sword, and held him for the police on the floor with the sword point to his kidney, pushing hard enough to draw blood.
    John in Indy

  11. I'll trust my razor-sharp K-Bar fighting knife that was issued to me at Camp Pendleton years ago to a dull ass fake piece of stainless steel suitable only for hopping around the park with beta-boys wearing tights and doing medieval reenactments.

  12. I'll trust my razor-sharp K-Bar fighting knife that was issued to me at Camp Pendleton years ago to a dull ass fake piece of stainless steel suitable only for hopping around the park with beta-boys wearing tights and doing medieval reenactments.

  13. An edged weapon is still relevant. Of course, how many drones would you need to take out one Brandon's F-16?

  14. Edutcher, maybe one in the air intake

    1. Exactly. That's why the Navy does the FOD walk before every initiation of carrier flight ops.


  15. and what, pray tell me, prevents those against whom we're going to need these weapons, from buying them at Home Depot, as well?

    1. They either steal or are issued firearms, they don't buy shit.

      If you're worried about roaming bands of clansmen laying siege to your castle, perhaps you could buy a longbow with Bodkin-pointed arrows, or just come back to present times.

    2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with an English long bow out f yew wood beautiful powerful and elegant.

  16. I don't recall the saying...
    Something something knife, something something gunfight.

  17. My question is where do I look for this in the store?
    The gardening section or home improvement?

    1. I went to HD's website and didn't find the sword. So, I refreshed the page and typed it as it appeared in the photo of the original story I saw (FOX News). Low and behold, it appeared. HD also sells other "medieval" items. Apparently, that sort of decor is popular these days.

  18. The purpose of a bayonet is to bring a knife to a gun fight.

    1. Best way to extract a bayonet is to pull the trigger.

  19. There's plenty of other "real" weapons in the lawn and garden dept that'll last a lot longer than that ... decoration.

    For under $30, you can get either a 5 lb mattock (2 handed weapon) or a 2.5 lb mattock (excellent 1-hander). Hatchets and mauls and machetes and shovels and so forth. There's a whole section just for axes. Hell, just the wooden replacement handle works wonders.

    1. There's nothing like a good piece of hickory...

  20. I recommend Darksword Armory up in Canada

    They sell battle-ready swords. I have a couple of their two-handed models
    They aren't cheap, however....

  21. It’s to make a bayonet, they are selling by the millions for a reason

  22. I can find better quality machetes at Fleetfarm.

  23. In Colorado I opened the HD page, and typed the full title in the search bar. Did NOT get a sword, but decorative Greek helmet and replica medieval armour. They did also display "Black Metal Industrial Geometric Sculpture" which was a Christian cross mounted on a stand. HD has one of the worst web pages in the business.

  24. Wallace did not use a sword. He was a yeoman, the bow was his weapon. Swordplay was restricted to nobility.

  25. Honshu makes a tactical Gladius with a rubberized grip and a D2Tool Steel blade. Its shaving sharp. Just the thing for separating extremities from Antifa loons.

    1. for those interested, the $189.00 version which is the D2 blade

      there is also a version, on the same page, at half the cost available from the same manufacturer. Not the same steel in the blade is the difference.

      As an aside, I carry a pocket knife with a D2 steel blade. Sharpest knife I've ever owned and the first one I've owned that didn't require sharpening out of the box.


  26. Wallace was in his life accorded knight of the Scots kingdom.
    The weapon associated with him, and called the Wallace Sword is known from 1305, the date of his capture. That sword has been extensively repaired (welded in two places, probably during his lifetime) and rehilted in the early 1500s by the order of the then King, who, in the order for the work, referred to it as the Wallas sword.
    See also
    John in Indy


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