Tuesday, January 2, 2024




  *back to reality.

and just like that it's back to the salt mine. 

I like my current employment so it's not something I dread everyday. As with

any job there are good and and not so good days. This past week was quiet so I worked

part time and took some vacation time. Things to do around here, the holidays etc.

 Getting up in the dark and getting home in the dark kinda sucks. I think that's the worst part.

I'm looking forward to the longer days and warmth of the sun.

 Lately it's been mild around here, and only rain and many gray days. Sooner or later

we will be hearing about bombogenisis and snowmaggedon and cats and dogs living together.

I know the weatherpeople are dying to start the hype to sell more bread and milk.

I'll be around.



  1. You have a good life my boy.
    Agree with all your points about grey, dark, cold, etc. Those things have their place, and I relish my alone time but there is goodness in brightness.
    I have plans for bad weather/tough times, and they are plans I should have implemented earlier, but better late and all that.
    Best on the new year.

  2. * French toast alert:
    Buy all the bread, milk, and eggs that the store has.

  3. Chuckling, Irish admit it, life without some workplace craziness is BORING.

    As far as French Toast Alert LOL, Non-import NH folks are bred to deal with Nor'easters. Shoveling out each other's driveways and all that. Otherwise, we'd move to FL.

    In 2024 remember Grahams Killhouse Rules

    1. NOBODY IS COMING TO SAVE YOU. Whether an event lasts a few seconds, a few hours, or even a few days – you have to work as though nobody is coming to save you.

    2. You are your savior, so start working because EVERYTHING IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. You are your security, you are your medic, you are your rescuer.

    3. You are your own best resource to SAVE WHO NEEDS TO BE SAVED. Nobody wants to save your life more than you, so set yourself up for success by having the simple tools and knowledge to do so: do what you can with what you have. Recognize that nobody is in a better position to start saving your life than you.

    4. Sometimes saving lives means you have to KILL WHO NEEDS TO BE KILLED. It has been almost 15 years since I first wrote “the more effective you are at taking a life, the more successful you’ll be at saving one” and nothing in the intervening time has changed my mind. Be swift, be decisive, be final.

    5. Mostly, ALWAYS BE WORKING. There is always something you can be doing to improve your position. Always. Because nobody is coming to save you.

    This year improve your ability to react correctly to a violent home invasion or carjacking. There is a reason to have more than one firearm.

    Also, as windows are first to get destroyed when things get crazy and my home would be worse than a lean too shelter with them gone, have sheet plastic AND the tools, headlamp, shoes (glass on the floor) and nails to fix it NOW.

  4. Zactly, and the fucking political ads will start so turn the TV off people. Glad you are still here Irish.

    I do Michael, no one is coming to save you. Be Samuel Whittmore

  5. Born and raised west coast, was the best until liberals like locusts came and destroyed it.
    Best friend Richard, 13th generation American came to cali from Mass, lives on 40 acres lake side inland central coast, there’s room here for cool people like you guys if you guys handle the taxation with representation , sorry for my rambling, but good talking to real people ,come out anytime, you can’t beat the weather


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