Sunday, January 7, 2024

Amazing Feats of Engineering.... North Of The Border...


 A snowy morning and Covfefe surfing leads to a rabbit hole from one picture.

 This one of the 18 wheeler:

 According to the comments on f-book this is early 1980's. The truck is from a company named

Transport Chaine Inc. Heavy equipment movers.  The tram is the funicular located at 

Shawinigan-2 Generating station in Quebec.

The history of the facility is quite amazing when you start searching for information. <<<<

All built in the late 1800's and expanded over the beginning of the 1900's


Here is the google maps image search. From what I gather, the red arrow , I added,  points to the landing turntable for the funicular.




 As I was scrolling around google earth I noticed this area North of the hydoelectric station

It was once a large paper and pulp mill. Now it's just demolished concrete covered in graffiti.


This image. I found, is from 1946:

 You can see the church, just above center on the left of the photo. In the aerial photo above

it's left- center.   Here is the church recently <<




  1. I appreciate history as much as the next guy, but. New York State has many graffiti covered sites like this, I would rather these sites either be cleaned up or at least leveled.

    1. Wow you beat me to saying the exact same thing.

  2. Another incline.
    (The original film is silent, so someone added music)

    More detail--

  3. Cool stuff. Being a documentary junky I have seen other unique water use features back east. Hardy, ingenieass and smart people they were

  4. As always your curiosity and detective skills amaze me....

    1. It's amazing how far you can travel on a snowy morning with covfefe in hand....


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