Tuesday, December 5, 2023

It Looks Like Dick Durbin Let The Cat Out Of The Bag

Watch as Dick Durbin (D-IL) attempts to push for a "pathway to citizenship" by allowing illegal aliens to join the U.S. military and after honorably serving, these foreign mercenaries would become U.S. citizens.

Click the link for another story on this subject from RedState


  1. Once that happens...would those "folks" revert to true blooded 'muricans? Or stay in the gestalt of their genetic hatred for American values?

  2. So what happens currently, where the largest Army recruiting center has been in Mexico City for something like a decade?

    Did the Ecuadorians and Mexicans and Filipinos and such that were in when I was in 2 decades ago get their citizenship, or were they just pure mercenaries?

    1. I don't know, are you saying they were illegal then too? Otherwise you're comparing bad apples to naranjas. Durbin's Heroes start their enlistments already having violated federal laws. And by the way, how many of those recruits 20 years ago were "Palestinian", Venezuelan, ISIS, Chinese, Al Qaeda, Romanian, or just plain, violent criminals?

  3. Wait, you mean 85 billion in military hardware left on the tarmac wasn't enough? Now these assholes want to give them direct access?
    Well fxxking Yay!

    1. They're going to have to get training somewhere in order to kill Americans with American equipment! Be all you can be, Jihadi!

  4. I thought that was already an option (but maybe not for those here illegally).

    1. It is. For legally immigrated permanent resident aliens.

    2. Yes, but I don't know what the specifics are.

  5. For every American citizen the ILLEGAL mercenaries take out , one of their relatives gets citizenship ,or something like that. The communists in congress and pedo joe are going to replace us.

    1. Well that is their plan, but I have a vote in this.

  6. Now we are going to train our enemies?

    1. Why the fok not this too? Don't we get to train our job replacements. Lest we loose any pitance of a severance package...

    2. Yes, because sending them money isn't fast enough.

  7. Young men of military age are flooding the borders and Durbin wants them in our military? Just exactly whose side is Durbin on? Yesterday a photo circulated showing what could have been a battalion of Chinese soldiers.

    1. He's a Democrat.

      To ask the question is to answer it.

    2. They should all form a division of Illinois ARNG. They can go clean up Chicago.

  8. well, shit. if maybe they didn't fuck over vets as much as they do. it might not be a problem now. as I tell any kids asking me about it, go first to the nearest VA and ask the vets how they feel about things. but really I did talk a few of them out of "going in" this past summer. the fact is today, if you are a white male, you are fucked if you go in the military.
    there are a lot of vets in the hills of pa. not many of them have anything good to say about it anymore.
    kind of weird as most of them don't trust the clowns running the military anymore. not that they where all that great before. dave in pa. 1/503 PIR a long time ago now.

  9. In other words, slaves. What is it with the Democrats shipping people to the US to be indentured servants?
    These are illegals for cryin' out loud. Let them come legally and maybe we can talk.

    Governor Abbott should send the next 77,000 illegals to Durbin's Home in Illinois.

    Hey, on second thought, maybe Abbott should embrace this and create a state "Foreign Legion" militia. With the right training, education and winnowing, that could be a pretty potent force when the time comes.

    1. @Anonymous December 5, 2023 at 10:48 AM

      > Let them come legally and maybe we can talk.

      After their "sevice", they WILL be leeEEeegal. Just like the last "last time".

      (Not that I'd expect, let alone demand, thinking from any "melting pot", self-identified, "American".)

  10. Once trained, and having reached sufficient numbers, the final step is to await the issue of “order 66”?

    On a more serious note, why is dick Durbin encouraging recruitment of illegals, which is illegal, as if that were up to the discretion of the recruiters? Could it be because ‘Democrat’ is a modern synonym for ‘Treason’?

  11. Quite a few other nations (France, Spain) already execute this concept and have been doing so for decades and even centuries: see the French Foreign Legion. France applies "la loi du sang" (the law of blood) to every foreign national serving in its armed forces: a serious wound incurred in a battle for France gives automatic citizenship and naturalisation to the wounded soldier. Spain applies similar procedures.

    1. Fallen empires both. I'm not sure but I don't think Legion units are allowed inside France.

    2. The fall of Rome came after much debauchery and fiscal irresponsibility, but it also came about as a direct result of the Germanization of their Legions....Herr Martin.

    3. @Anonymous#1_6.07PM: The French Foreign Legion (FFL) has around 12 duty stations in France, plus most of their recruiting stations. Currently, the FFL has a strength of about 10.500 men and consists of 9 regiments. Only one of these regiments (3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment (3° REI)) is currently stationed abroad/overseas in French Guyana. All other units of the FFL are stationed in France itself.

      @Anonymous#2_7.48AM: Eben nicht! See above!

      @Anonymous#3_7.53AM: As the decline and fall of the Roman Empire (cf. Edward Gibbon, et al.) occurred several centuries before my time I deny any responsibility for this regrettable course of events.

    4. Thanks for setting the record straight. ~ Anonymous#1 (tfhr)

  12. That was one of the things that led to the end of the Roman Empire.

  13. Durbin is an idiot. That's just what we need, a country full of mercs.
    Yeah, that's the ticket.

  14. I do believe there's a law on the books to grant foreign nationals citizenship for service in the military. Called the Lodge Act, passed in 1950. It was SOP during WWII.

    But those were people who were here legally or recruited overseas.

  15. I've been expecting this. Who hasn't? Recruiting is Way down. Warm bodies are needed. Bet that when they figure out a way to sell America a war,and we have to pit boots on the ground, the troops who will be sent into the worst situations will be the actual Patriots. Gotta get rid of them somehow. Then, all that remains to protect America will be the ones who hate us. And we will have trained and armed them. Very clever.

  16. They are being imported to murder US citizens when ordered to do so. That they will become US citizens and be able to vote for more tyranny is just icing on the cake for treasonous scum like Durbin, Biden, and others.

    1. I do believe you have hit the nail on the head with this comment.

  17. So, would they then have Spanish Language Units? Expecting them to learn English would be racist, don't ya know.

  18. The criminal left doesn't trust the US Military to follow orders and violate our rights. They want to replace Americans in the military with savages they import from turd world countries who WILL happily commit all manner of heinous atrocities. This shit isn't complicated. Evil, but not complicated.

  19. And all this time we were expecting the Blue Hat UN troops to come marching into our neighborhoods. Dan has it right

  20. it's worked out pretty well for the french with FFL...any of them not suitable get bounced back home.

    the low end of the gene pool we've been getting over the border lately wouldn't pass week 1 of bootcamp, and we use that as a reason to send them home. no asylum court date years down the road. "unsuitable for military service...immediate deportation"

    for real results do the bootcamp in english. not following orders in english is grounds for deportation.

  21. Decline and fall of the Roman empire, part 2. Let’s fill our army with visigoths, embrace perversity, and do the bread and circuses thing. Why not install lead water pipes too?

    Holy cow, just like the book 1984, the lunatic stupid left uses this warning tomes as instruction manuals.

    PS- Roman civilization was during a global warming era. When it got colder the empire collapsed. 1000 years later, same weather trend, along come the vikings and the middle ages. 1000 years later is us.


  22. Brilliant. Lets teach foreign invaders advanced combat tactics. Fuckheads.


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