Thursday, December 28, 2023

How To Quickly Tell You're Gonna Take It In The Wallet....


  Last night was a little splurge for dinner. 

There were four of us all with birthdays during this week and next. 

12/25   12/29  12/31 and 01/05.

The Ribeye caught my attention but what the fuck is that after the garlic smashed badadas?

Haricot Verts huh? Well I guess Siri will have to train me in upscale fine dining.

Google search yeilds <<< 

and that's when I knew we were getting hornswoggled.


  1. Haricots verts = just baby green beans.
    But- agree. Took the kids to art museum, no longer free, 15 bucks each. Took them to Fusion afterwards for fast food asian, and the bill was 70$!!! Everything was extra, and no prices listed, so when I got to the register, major shock. For fast food. Mark and I used to spend that much on nice steaks and wine for date nite. Same with waffle house. Fifty bucks. No longer the cheap option, gonna be back to home-cooked after the holidays.

  2. Green beans if I remember my high school French correctly

  3. Everything is a scam now.
    Hericot verts sound like Farrahkan talk. (ie..they make up words to sound intelligent)

  4. Jolly Green Giant laughing all the way to the bank.........hornswoggled....there’s a word my Granny used a lot, haven’t heard it in a while.....but we’ve all been victim to it these last 3 years.....the swamp still ain’t been drained, effers, sure hope we can out maneuver them and turn the tables on the cheating bastards and give Trump another go at it....

  5. LMAO. Started in Food Service over 50 years ago. We can make anything sound fancy using French words! Took 2 of my sons to the local BarbQ place earlier this month to celebrate the baby boy turning 30. Told them to order whatever they wanted. 3 of us ate for about $45, including tip. A couple of months ago we were at my favorite Mexican place in Rogers, AR. 3 of us ate there for around $50. The Mexican place has been doing a good job not raising their prices out of sight.

    1. What's the name of the Mexican place in Rogers? I used to live there and get back once in a while. Used to live about a half mile from Suzy Q drive inn, have a serious Jones on for a Big Pig right about now.

  6. So, how much did it cost to get hornswoggled? Inquiring minds want to know. - Nemo

  7. Haha! Hard to get away with charging you $25 bucks for a side of string beans! Once again; if’n it don’t make sense that’s a buck init!

  8. Recipe for Charcuterie : Take Lunchables, arrange it neatly on a nicely finished wooden board, charge $60. Voila!

  9. Can't beat a ribeye steak. I'm a Cattleman and it's my favorite.

    I don't know what it cost you, but if it was less than fifty bucks a plate sometimes you've just got to suck it up, pay the price and enjoy life. Life is short, Beef is delicious.

    Happy Birthdays to you all.

    1. Ribeye is my favorite too, but what passes for ribeye in most places these days ain't fit to eat.

  10. It's all in the name. I ate escargot once - I never would have even tried it if it had been snail on the menu. Sigh And to finish the story I was in a country where we could not get meat -the year that I was there I had escargot and pigeon. BobT

  11. Ya;; are a ware that Biden has devalued the Dollar by about half, right?

    Things seem to cost twice as much, but that is only because there are twice as many dollars in circulation, so the buying power of the dollar is about half of what it was 3 years ago.

    Expect all pricing to be double what it was when Trump was cheated out pf the Presidency,

    It's part of the Fundamental Change that Barry Soetoro promised us.

  12. Yep. Nothing like a steak with a side of verts....

  13. Yep.... Haricot verts, new to me! Today my 61st and friend (also 61 today)an I going for out for surf n turf. Shrimp n rib steaks. Mmm!

  14. "Tender morsels of chicken in a seasoned crust, served with a heritage tomato reduction".
    In other words, chicken nuggets with ketchup.
    John in Indy

  15. Just curious, how did they prepare the hornswoggles?


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