Friday, December 1, 2023

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.... I'm off to the Company H̶o̶l̶i̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶C̶e̶l̶e̶b̶r̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ... CHRISTMAS PARTY . Please behave.









Stay safe out there and enjoy the weekend!!


  1. Just one question about that eraser one: If I sue a bunch of nuns, am I going to hell?

  2. Thanks for all the efforts. Each week better than the last.

  3. Nice looking older lady on 12, 151, 162, nice uplift on 13, nice bubbles on 18, 96, nice ornaments on 19, 20, hi, Barbara, Dawn, Lynda, Lindsay, not bad on 148, nice cup holders on 164, nice keep the home fires burning on 168.

    1. Older is relative: 12 looks plenty young enough for me although she could loose that naval whatever. Same for a few others; young enough I mean.

  4. So many good ones, hard to pick just one. Thanks, Irish!

  5. Philips 312! I owned one of those....

  6. I could be rich!
    I got drunk on Boones Farm Apple wine in 1968!
    Yes, I was 8 years old.
    My dad bought it for me no less!
    As I very faintly recall, that occasion was also the very first time I ever ate at a McDonalds.

  7. Lindsey Wagner, of the itty bitty titty committee 🤣

  8. 6 - That is about as sweet of a Bronco as you'll ever find.
    7 - Never quite saw the appeal.
    8 - I love a Hot Mom.
    9 - Looks like Samantha has had a rough week, as well.
    15 - Love it when they get impatient and start without me.
    21 - A 49 year old Barbara Eden, in 1980.
    22 - Looks like a redux of Happy Gilmore's, "Happy Place". I could be happy there, as well.
    26 - There have been times, even that wasn't enough. Electrical tape on all the joints.
    29 - I'd take the lass on the right. If you wouldn't mind?
    30 - POTN 2nd Alternate
    35 - Looks like some cold rain. MOTN 1st Alternate.
    38 - OR, earlier - some nights.
    40 - Is that "Diamond" David Lee Roth?
    48 - Most memorable was Kegfest. May of '87. I got six stitches at that kegger. Good times, good times.....
    53 - Very cute.
    56 - Marilu Henner - The only reason I watched TAXI, on TV. Nardo is another factor of my redhead attraction.
    59 - Dawn Wells. Just an unassuming little sex pot.
    65 - A wonder of a woman - Lynda Carter.
    68 - ...and put away wet. Several times, by many people.
    69 - Lynda Carter in 1976's cop drama Starsky and Hutch.
    73 - 24 year old Lindsay Wagner. How I envied Steve Austin back then.
    74 - Another from Lindsay, in '73.
    75 - 1976's Bionic Woman, Lindsay Wagner.
    76 - Loretta Young, from 1932's movie - Play Girl
    92 - My POTN
    93 - That face she makes, when you're doing it right.
    95 - DAMN.
    99- I want to say Samantha Fox, but not sure.....
    102 - The same as 74, but higher res. Just as pretty.
    107 - Steffy Argelich - actress. Never heard of her or her movies, before now.
    111 - MOTN 2nd Alternate
    112 - Belly turret. Hell on Earth, with a view. The most dangerous place to be on a Heavy Bomber in WW II.
    118 - Damn, just damn.
    129 - OK, since you worked at being persistent - MILF of the Night.
    139 - MOTORCYCLE!
    148 - I remember the warning from the last time - Queen of Spades. I'll pass.
    149 - Hate to see her go, but love to watch her leave.
    153 - Those are perfect.
    165 - Looks like a fun way to die.
    167 - 1966 Lamborgini Miura. Back when having a 350HP V-12 qualified you as a "Supercar".
    173 - Yeah. No shit.
    174 - They decidedly lack any morals, either.

    Been a hectic few days at The Shop.
    What a great way to end a week of flying chips and broken machines.
    Thanks, Boss.

    Whitehall, NY

    1. 7: I think those are reins to manage the filly as she bucks. In okay with it.

    2. 99 is Linda Blair. She did some nice nude work in her late teens/ early 20s.

  9. While I always enjoy the selection of overpriced models that Andrew Tate can afford, I'm still in love with Dawn after all these years. In my humble opinion the best is between 13 and 145. Number 13, just because, love her look and how she shows herself off. Number 145, because what guy doesn't like a girl that can handle a liter. Thanks guys for bringing us to another end of the week selection.

  10. Anyone have info on #35? I’m sure I have seen her somewhere before.


  11. 99 Linda Blair? I'd let her barf on me.

  12. I continue to be impressed by the wealth of different subject types in every post - it really makes for good scrolling.

  13. 71 - Jenny Agutter...very nice. Everyone should see her in Walkabout.

  14. I wish I could find that fuck pie chart coffee mug at a reasonable price. Amazon has lots of fuck coffee mugs, but I didn’t find that exact one. Also what’s there is a trifle pricy.

  15. Fuckin A!!! Best ever.

  16. pt in nh, # 62 plywood tower. if you grew up around Boston you know what I mean

    1. Perhaps you refer to "The Plywood Ranch"? That was the John Hancock building, so called because the windows kept flying out and they would replace them with plywood from the lumberyard of the same name. They finally fixed the problem in '73.

  17. #10, I’m sure being that bike was made for the French War effort that it is in as pristine condition as the rest of French war gear is,let us not forget France’s go to WW 2 rifle “dropped once,never fired” And I’ve forgotten just how lovely and voluptuous Marilou Henner truly was on #56

    1. They put a 75mm recoilless rifle on a Vespa. Apparently you had to take it off to shoot it. No fun at all.

  18. We used baseball cards though…

  19. 1 Kurt Russell, the longest serving cool dude in hollyweird history

  20. Thank You, this made my day. 🙂

  21. A real, real mechanic would have all the extensions electric taped together so they don't fall apart into the black hole to never be seen again.

  22. IMHO this may be your finest effort ever!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  23. #43 Shae Summers, pornstar. Very nice body of work

  24. #12 and #130, awesome looking moms.


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