Thursday, November 9, 2023

Sorry Darlin' There Are Two Issues With Your Text Message...

 Irish receives a random text.. I smell a set up....


   Point of contention number 1:

I would definitely remember you.


 Point of contention number 2:

My little Town doesn't have a convention center. 


 It started of with "Hey, It's Linda". 

I then responded "and?" 

This is what transpired.








  1. Hey that girl just opened a new massage business here in my area.

    1. Inquiring minds want to know... I mean, I'll check it out and alert my local faggot butthole inspectors office.

  2. Recently got a text from a random # (Area code 914) with a photo of a dainty hand holding a cup at a small table. The text was to inform me that the texter had received the tea I sent and thanking me.


    1. Westchester county NY

    2. 914 is Rockland county ny, NW of nyc on the west side if Hudson River.

  3. Looks like an AI generated image... Rhis new type of catfishing is gonna become the new normal...

    1. Yup. AI bint phising for anything, including the info that your number is live.

  4. Definitely a set up. If it wasn't dangerous, an interesting thing to watch

  5. "The defendants are presumed innocent"

    If they were presumed innocent, they wouldn't have been charged.

    Only the purveyors arrested, not the clients. Must be cross-referenced with Epstein's client list, none of his clients got charged either.

  6. Scammer-Spammers are getting smarter-more desperate all the time.
    For years now I and my wife almost never answer the cellphone (no landline) unless we know who is calling.
    My wife and I get more daily spam emails than friendly.
    My wife and I get more spam snail mails than friendly.
    I'm really tired of all of it.
    One of these days I'm just going to unplug and disappear.

    1. it does make life a lot easier. dumped the cell phone 8 years ago after moving up onto the woods.
      yes, we do have a landline. but that is it. no, she still has a cell (??) anyway. you life gets a lot easier after you unplug from the cell phone. I am always amazed how people react when they ask for my cell number only to be told I don't have one. and only a handful of people even know my number these days. dave in pa.

    2. Doctor's office, or the blood lab, or radiology, or I guess most med facilities ... say they'll call with result/information whatever.

      I ask what is phone number? I don't answer unknow numbers.

      Unbelievably, their answer is whoever calls you (me).

      I repeat I don't answer unknown numbers. Then just mail the results.

      Oh, we dont mail.

    3. They don't mail because private information could be intercepted by unknown persons.

      Too dense to understand the ieony they are.

    4. To this day I am annoyed that there is no cell phone app to simply block all calls and texts from numbers not in the phone's contact list. I expect it's because the Telcos are making big money from the cold callers and spammers.

    5. You can also tell anyone that any unknown caller calls coming in between 5PM and 9AM will be deleted as spam.
      That eliminates 2/3rds of it off the top.

    6. My iPhone xr does not ring unless the number is in my contact list.

  7. She looks like one of the millions of bots on twitter that like my posts

  8. I got something similar from LinkedIn. Girl used a false name that sounded dot Indian, turned out to be some mainland Chinese chick. Said she was in Bay Area, but who would believe anything they said. Had no rationale explanation for why she wanted to connect. Whole thing smelled to high heaven like a honey trap of some sort.

    1. Linkedin... I get the same all the time, starts out, I would like to be your friend. Then "it" wants to move to another platform to "get to know each other". Always from LA or San Francisco. Funny, when I move to Telegram, the name changes. Oh, that my American name. Seems they always own a cosmetics line or work for one. I play along, fun asking questions they cannot answer. I had one send me a pic once. When I got it it had a name on the photo edge. I looked it up and it was a model overseas somewhere. I then called that "it" out and their linkedin profile just disappeared! I have one now from Olso, Norway. What I have learned is when it goes on long enough, they are trying to sell crypto...

  9. Irish, you misspelled her name, Linda Hu.

  10. Leenda? It's a man!
    In the sodomite sewerpipe abomination you are innocent until proven white or republican.

  11. The neck is all wrong ... too long and skinny

  12. The neck is all wrong. Alien looking.

  13. I guess 'they' just can't leave us in peace... FA&FO

  14. They all look alike.

  15. The "Chinese" "chick" that liked one of my posts somewhere on the internet had a much better figure.

  16. Probably one of these. They start off really friendly and get romantic.
    They then suggest that you move to WeChat (encrypted so no law enforcement can track)
    They talk about their work - this is over a week or so.
    They mention an uncle or grandfather who is "investing" in crypto.
    They then proceed to try to get you to sign up for a shared account with them - so they can show you how to make money...

    Get these a lot of twitter - if I have the time, I string them along for a month. They get furious when I finally call them on it :)

  17. All the Boomers are like oh shit you too.

  18. Her real name is Fang Fang No. 381, they have been cloning honeypot spies for years, most live in California.

  19. You should have replied, "terrible job photoshopping out the Adam's Apple."
    "Now I remember you. We met at the Backshaving Conference."

  20. A different blog I visit had a popup 'content warning' wanting me to sign in.
    Shit is going to get Cheka Gulag stupid.

  21. These were arriving 2 or 3 times a week for a while. Same stuff, also got at least one connection request on linked in. asian female faces copied off web sites and / or doctored up with AI. All have similar come ons. Several were "I found your number in my contacts but I don't remember who this is". yada yada yada. Welcome to my blocked contacts, Fang Fang.

    1. "I keep trying to send you a friend request, but it's not going through. Could you please send me one?"
      Not today sweetcheeks. Not today...

  22. shāzhūpán -Pig Butchering Scam
    Trying to get a friend out of it as we speak. Horrible. He's probably lost hundreds of thousands. I tried to warn him at the onset.

  23. Has anyone else read the book "The Good, The Spam, and The Ugly"? Humorous look at spam attempts directed at a guy who enjoyed playing mind games with the spammers.

  24. Not a real photo, we live in troubled times.
    No fan of the bushes, but soetoro started our downhill run, I hate that turd burgler America hating SOB

  25. Saw this for awhile on FB, "I like your post, will you "friend" me? "
    Immediately called 'em out as a spammer/scammer.

    President Elect B Woodman

  26. Not today CCP , not today

  27. Rule #1 of cell phones and/or land lines - Never Ever answer a call or respond to a text from an unknown number. Rule #2 - Once the call is completed, check voice mail. Delete it without listening to it. Rule #3 - add the number to the blocked list. All of these rules also apply to email.

    I was getting several calls a week from unknown numbers when a first got my smart phone. After following rules 2&3 for about a week, the calls stopped.


  28. "Me love you longtime, Joe.
    Put banga banga on phone for memory keepsake.

  29. Irish,

    Solomon Ondokoh calling...

  30. I think she's related to that "Nigerian Prince"

  31. Remember the line from James Bond---Send spike---? and one computer sends a destructive "note" to another ???
    All Ker-Plooey!

    Still waiting on that technology.

  32. WARNING That is a typical Chinese "honey pot". it has been used many times on Linked In. And the idiots on Linked In do not purge them from the site (even when multiple requests occur). These "girls" try to win favor to obtain info, intelligence, alter web sites, alter anti-chinese government posts, or try to blackmail individuals. Avoid at all costs

  33. Yeah me too, except mine was from Nikki Haley begging for my support and a monetary reply?
    Delete and report as spam....


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