Thursday, October 5, 2023

Well, I Guess WE Are The Enemy..... But You Knew That Already...


If you missed the memo, the United States Federal government and all of the associated agencies including and especially groups like the FBI and ATF, have declared the American people to be the enemy of the American state.

Never has it been more clear that there is no more virulent anti-American group in America than the American Federal government.

The language They use to talk about regular White Americans sounds an awful lot like how we spoke about al-Qaeda after 9/11 or the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. It is intended to dehumanize us and make it easier down the road to eradicate us. Make no mistake, it doesn’t matter if you own a dorky Make America Great Again Hat or if you ever voted for Trump. If you are White and not with the program, you are MAGA and therefore an extremist and thus viewed as a potential enemy combatant in your own country. 




H/t to Michael in the comments..


  1. well, bring it on then. i'm tired of their bs anyway.

  2. They have neither the balls nor the resources to take this where, if you read between the lines, they think they're going to take this. Over the last decade, I've read countless articles matching Fed.Gov against the citizens in a hot war. They can't win and they know it. With the mood in the country declining rapidly day by day over Bribem's policies, all that is needed is a spark. Starting a round up of citizens that are exercising their free speech for "wrong think" could be just what's needed.

    Then this week, for the first time in the county's history, the Speaker of the House was run out of town. Politics in DC, as we have been subject to for the last two generations, is dead and Bribem is the catalyst, not Matt Gaetz. Gaetz was just the vehicle for starting drastic change.

    Would you have ever thought you'd see a t-shirt on some guy at the grocery store with the imprint "We The People are pissed". I saw one a week or two ago. I walked up to the guy and shook his hand.

    Now I read tonight that Bribem is going restart building The Wall. You have to ask yourself why this sudden change in policy, especially after he pledged to "not build one more foot" of the The Wall during his administration aaannnddd he's going waive all of the enviornmental regulations while doing it.

    Now, tie this policy change in with calls from multiple CONgress critters and Senators today to continue funding Ukraine.

    I think Bribem has made a secret deal with members of both houses to build The Wall in exchange for more Ukraine funding and I believe Kevin McCarthy is behind it along with Bitch McConnell and Shmucky Chucky.

    Remember one salient fact about Bribem. He never does anything without a payoff.


    1. Nemo, the wannabe despots do have the ability. The People gave it to them. I'll explain.

      The People watch and see what is happening. The People see their liberty vanishing inch by inch. They do nothing but yammer.
      In every tyrannical takeover, the tyrants win unless The People take up arms to forcibly put down the tyrants.

      The American Revolution beginning 1775, the French Revolution a few years later. The People took up arms and fought back.
      (The French did wrongly because they were atheists with bloodlust and because in their hearts they were socialists.)

      Unless The People take up arms to the intent of preserving their traditions, their honor, their freedom, their posterity, all will be lost to them.
      Is there even one instance in all of history when the people did not take up arms yet did prevail?

    2. The oppressors must simply ensure that the pot does not over boil. Then, no matter the heat below the boil, The People remain compliant.

    3. Too bad, sweetie, people are getting fed up; living paycheck to paycheck does that, but go on, keep earning that $15/hr spreading FUD.

    4. ...and here's confirmation on my contention that there's a deal with Bribem on The Wall to get Ukraine funds, except now it's not secret any more:

      @Anon 10:58 PM As long as We The People have our firearms, won't make a real move at tyranny because they know their lives are forfeit at that point. Who are the two greatest firearms salesmen of all time? Barack Obama and Joe Biden. It'll be "soft" tyranny through inflation, high cost of living and new regs adding more cost and complexity to the economy, along with having to support 10 million new illegals every year until the system breaks. It's pretty close to breaking now.

      This latest pronouncement on MAGA adherents and other people that believe in freedom and populism is just to build on the "wrong think" agenda that is coming out of Bribem's Eff Bee Eye and Dee Ohh Jay and the White House. You can bet your hienie that Gargland is behind it, still having a hissy fit because he was denied an SJC slot which he still thinks he deserved. Look at a pic of that guy. Doesn't he remind you of the evil Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars? Probably a good thing that Gargland can't shoot lightening bolts from his fingers.

      It would be nice if you identified yourself at least with some handle. Otherwise you might be considered a troll or an Eff Bee Eye plant, just so that the rest of us can keep a running tally on positions taken. You weren't courageous to do it originally, so on second thought, never mind.


    5. As long as we have firearms, the tyrants won't try.

      Ahem. Look around, bupi. Obviously you didn't engage the five years like I suggested. If you had, you would see that today your life is more restricted, more surveilled, less buying power, greater inflation, so on and so on than even five years ago.
      Tyrants are tyranting right under your muzzle.

    6. Pop a cap in the Arch Duke and we'll be off and running.

  3. While it’s a sad statement about our politics. I’m not going to back down and be submissive to “get by”

    1. Yes you will. You are now. Don't believe me? Compare you today to you five years ago. Truly, give it some thought. What have you lost since then? What would five years ago you think of today?
      What have you done to ensure the next two - three years (because these sort of things accelerate) will not be like the last five?

    2. edutcher, thats a good one. A great argument too.

  4. The American Communist Party nee Demonrats no longer need to pretend. They are IN POWER and will never allow themselves to be voted out of power. Ever. They can do anything thy want because NOBODY in a position to hold them accountable intends to. The communists who murdered Czar Nicholas and his family did the exact same things. They demonized anyone who didn't abjectly grovel to them and then murdered them. The current crop of commies are planning the same thing. Make no mistake about it. The communists fully control the Fed Gov and several state governments. And they intend to take full advantage of their position to insure they maintain their hold on power. Remember. The left has only one rule. Win! And anything that serves that agenda is acceptable.

    1. they only have power over you if you let them have it. as soon as you say fuck you, their power stops.
      but do you get SSI or SSD ? then they can fuck with you. here a nice thought. the fuckers are GIVING the illegals 2200 per month free. YUP. and they never paid one dime into the "system"
      average person after working 40 some odd years get 1400-1500 per month if their lucky.
      kind of like the asshole who walks across the street to slap you for no reason. that is what they are doing to
      the people of this country. they want you to take the bait and act up so they can install or try to install martial law over us. THEIR problem is that we are still armed. they have to change that bit. dave in pa.

  5. Do the tin stars believe they're the only folks with access to googlemap and the ability to make list.... You know... to go a-visitin?...

    1. They dozed off. At home. Watching what was on the screen, next to the map. They pulled their (only one person, but pronouns matter) pants up, to check the mail, and found your wallet on the porch. Where you left it. Cash inside, an "I Voted!" sticker outside. And a Post-It. "Thank you! For your service."

      The map is just so Door Dash knows where to take the donuts.

  6. Ya love it, right? Next year, they have to try to tell us how this is all because they love us.

  7. Wow! That escalated quickly! From a Deplorable to a Domestic Terrorist in just a few years.

  8. Some Enemies List's I'm proud to be on.

  9. They are wearing each of us down individually in a thousand different ways.
    Haven't you noticed?
    The only way to win, and I use the word win loosely, is to disengage from the matrix in all ways.
    Most people won't do that, not even just a little bit.
    The criminal parasites are prevailing.

  10. PSYOP. If you plant that negativity in your brain, it worked. Don’t let that happen.

    Always be working. Mentally and physically. If you do and the time does come, be Samuel Whittmore because then no one’s coming to save you.

  11. Don't forget the Germans and the Italians as well (historically demonized).

  12. Government IS the problem


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