Wednesday, October 4, 2023













  1. Ya know you have given me a REALLY interesting idea.

  2. Awwwwww.....How nice.
    You built a playswing for gooberment elites.
    President Elect B Woodman

  3. Celebrating 3 straight days of 0 chemtrails here in northeastern NC . Since the partial funding bill passed on Sept 30 , no planes have been spewing that garbage.
    Now , if DC wasn't funding it , then why did it stop ?

  4. Only one at a time?

  5. When does the action start?

  6. Replies
    1. I like that this one has an express lane.

    2. I think we've all seen that not everyone who needs hanged can climb stairs.

    3. So get them a Stair-lift.

    4. I would be more than happy to fireman’s carry them up

  7. I suggest a tiered approach. One pay-per-view rate for hangings, a bit more for guillotines, and even more for those who want to see hand-cranked wood chippers, lubricated with distilled white vinegar. Some might be content with mere death, but others are serious deserving of much more suffering for what they have done.

  8. The events should ring around the D.C. Swamp, considering the number of vermin inhabiting.

  9. There should be one of these outside the front door of every city and town hall, every state Capitol building, and of course out side of the Capitol steps in DC and every elected politician should be forced to walk by it when they are reporting for work every morning. In addition, there should be one outside every building where unelected bureaucrats toil in obscurity working against the people. The only other enhancement for the pic is that it should have a sunbeam shining on the gallows amide all of the foul weather as sunlight is the best disinfectant.


  10. I would prepay a big box full of my favorite legal tenders for a lifetime subscription to watch in person with my own eyeballz the tyrants each get tied with a rope to a trailer hitch, dipped in diesel and set afire, and the vehicle drives 30 mph down a rural paved road while patriots stand along both sides throwing knives, spears and hatchets at it as it goes bouncing along screaming. Where do I sign up?

  11. Can we get a discount through TFI? If I must pay a bit extra, I’d much rather see the ancient practice of being hung, drawn, and quartered being reintroduced, but save the bit about throwing the still-attached bowels onto a brazier for the really special cases.

  12. I've always been partial to guillotines, myself. But the hanging is less messy I suppose.

  13. huh! the national debt would be paid off in no time at all!

  14. Floor level is approximately 36" high. Tall enough to work without wasting lumber!

  15. wait a minute, didn't George Carlin come up with this idea to bring down the budget ? as I recall he had a lot of really great idea to get people to pay money to balance the budget. hell, I would pay to watch a few of those assholes dance on the end of a rope myself. dave in pa.

  16. the budget and how to balance it. by George.

  17. Stop teasing me

  18. I am on a fixed income, but I would certainly pay to watch certain political figures try out the fancy swing set.

  19. I like it when they do that kicky, gurgling thing.

  20. I was thinking: most of the politicians in the Federal as well as most of my State's politicians, both parties.
    Bear in Indy

  21. I understand why they secure the hands,but I'm thinking as long as they can't get hands on the rope, mehh,okay.. Might get a buncha brand new gang signs..

  22. “Live from the Nations Swamp and your States Capital”…..hereeeeessssss Johnny!

  23. And for a few dollars more, you can get a VIP Pass that would allow you to be the guest executioner and set the rope and pull the lever.

  24. Irish have you seen this? Sido tends to be accurate information but I value your thoughts.

  25. Some real humor here... guys with great imaginations and intent. The political venue especially good. Reading a news post this morning about an ignorant and malignant gov that sold Trumps wall parts for scrap. The hanging tree is just barely justified, pre-prep to the hanging would could leave a mark.

  26. I remember when it was just frikken Ookay, it was funny,it was Surely First Amendment protected speech to carry a bloody necked Trump head around.
    Maybe some dummies with masks of Special People being put on a horse and run some practice,, ohh work it out..
    a Purely hypothetical What If America had a French Revolution moment.?

    How much fun would it be to have a swim out platform that could be put under the trap door and video them landing on their feet before the rope goes tight, Aaand Then drop them?

    I want to Claw Back and solve problems with the ill gotten gains.
    Load them up, fly them home. Fix infrastructure, ohh,the list.


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