Wednesday, October 11, 2023

It is easy to see where this POS' loyalties lie.

Rep. (demonrat) Rashida Tlaib silent as reporter repeatedly asks her if she condemns Hamas slaughtering infants. 

Yes, that is her with the Palestinian flag. Read more about this "progressive liberal" who has proven herself to be anti-American and has demonstrated her true loyalties.

Read more HERE and HERE


  1. can't stand the bitch myself. or any of her friends either to tell the truth. but just goes to show just how fucked this country is by the "people" that get "elected" here today. sad to say, but voting is a waste of time in most of the country now a days. unless the laws are changed to one day, prove who you are with voter ID, this is never going to get better.
    then too with all of the shit going on or happening today, do you really think we going to even have a election in 2024 ? I not so sure and have not been for a while now. 2020 was a bad joke. 2022 was just as bad here in pa.
    you saw maybe 20 or more signs per one you saw for "uncle fester" yet he won ???
    weird as we had to wait in line to vote too. that never happen here before. hell, even the really old folks where out to vote with their walkers and shit. bad part is this shit show is just starting here, it is going to get a lot worse as time goes by. stay frosty. dave in pa.

    1. I wish I could disagree with you Dave, but I do believe you are 100% correct. It's gonna hit the fan.

  2. For some odd reason people are shocked and dismayed that evil still supports evil. Maybe one of these days people will learn. I won't be holding my breath in the mean time... We can easily see why gun control is such an important problem for the people that want you dead.

  3. Hell hath a special place…

  4. Yes we have traitors in Congress!

  5. It looks like she is flying her muzlum flag higher than the American Flag

  6. Evil people always support other evil people.

  7. Ah, yes, Talib(an). The scum who, when Trump was elected and her little son asked "What do we do now, Mommy?" said "We're gonna impeach the motherfucker!" Such a mouth, and to her little kid! Should be scrubbed out...with lye.

  8. She is Satan's poop.

  9. As bad as she is, there are people out there that are much worse.
    Those people that voted her into power.
    Make sure you understand who your enemies are.

    1. It was her own refugee people that voted her in. You can thank CATHOLIC charities for that, no irony there.

  10. Most Democrats and many Republicans are in favor of slaughtering children. These alleged killings are post-birth abortions... With time, these MSM atrocities may proved to be Kabuki Theater propaganda similar to Iraqis tossing Kuwaiti babies out of hospital incubators - as testified before congress by the Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter.

    The heads of the Israeli govt (and whoever controls them) allowed this invasion to take place. They now have plausible deniability to declare war. There are evil forces at work on both sides.

    I pray for the innocent people on both sides of this mess.

    1. I find this the moral equivalent of saying that our government allowed 9/11 to happen, so that we could be free to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. There is no denying that Hamas slaughtered thousands of Israeli citizens, both military and civilian. And that they committed the most atrocious acts that any normal person would never be able to get out of their head.
      The Palestinians allowed Hamas to remain free inside of their area, and profited from their sons or daughters suicide vest murders of Jews, from payments that ultimately came from America. There is no possible comparison between the barbarous actions of Hamas and now some of their proxies, and the reaction of the nation of Israel.

    2. The only thing you "know" in this regard is what you've been told. So you'd be wise to just shut your ass.

    3. That’s all you got “So you'd be wise to just shut your ass.”. .gov’s are evil despots everywhere…

      Their plan is to break larger countries into smaller ones…

      Divide and easily conquered…

      More heads of despot states of evil…

      Great article below except for the last part… Don’t fall for it… it was the plan all along…

      For the one above who prays for the innocent on both sides , all sides where Satan’s evil turns men hearts into hating killing machines on All God’s People… You are Righteous… God is proud of you…

  11. With permission, drop her from a plane over the Gaza strip without a parachute!

  12. Worthless bitch!

  13. As I understand it, Minneapolis imported a shitload of mozzies into Minneapolis and her district voted the P.O.S. into office. Yes, elections have consequences.

  14. Hell no she doesnt care. She is happy as a clam. BUT, if Israel kills some goat, or the guy humping the goat, this ugly cow and the rest of the muslim/communist cows on the squad will be whining and pissing and moaning to the media pukes who will get the S4B's in the US all lathered up. I say, turn Gaza to dust and if some innocent person, and I doubt there are any over 3 years old, gets hurt, tough shit.

  15. What makes no sense is Tlaib also has the LGBTQ Flag, which no Muslim in any Muslim country would be allowed to support any LGBTQ as the LGBTQ would be put to death.

    1. The end justifies the means for marxists. There is no logic.

    2. These are flags of two entities whose goals are to destroy the United States. This is why Tlaib displays them outside her office, because she supports both their agendas.

  16. Why would she be upset? She thinks fresh baby's blood is delicious.......

  17. Tlaib represents DEMOCRATS.
    'nough said.

  18. The founders made a mistake in not making CONgress subject to the same "natural born citizen" criteria required of the president.

  19. The baby slaughtering has been debunked already by the IDF and Israeli government. Try to keep up before publishing stuff that is not true.
    Rashida Tlaib is a fucking piece of shit, yes. But we should also be looking at the real instigators of this 75 year old mess in the middle east.
    Both sides in this decades old war are guilty of war crimes and unspeakable atrocities. To support one side over the other is to condone their crimes. I want nothing to do with it.
    Research and learn. You are not being told the truth. Question everything.

    1. I do question as Reagan told us "trust but verify." There are pics w/blacked out over faces that CLEARLY show men and women burnt in vehicles, body bags w/children of different sizes and a number of house with adults. I don't know anything anywhere that can be linked to the IDF that would even come close.

      No one is innocent.

    3. This mess is much older than 75 years! I have always felt that the Jews had finally regained their land of Judea as described in the Bible when it was returned to them in 1947. .....and I am not a Jew.

  20. This was from last August. What astonishes me is how much our politicos were speaking the praises of Israel, out of the blue, just two months ago.
    It's almost like they were warming up the public for some event? Who knows, but I do believe that nothing happens in politics without a reason.
    This is pure conjecture, purely meant to open discussion, not to take sides.

    The first two minutes speak volumes.
    Israel is a very diverse place with many different sects, half of which are pure marxist dirtbags.
    Be careful who you support. There's good and bad in every culture.

    1. and germans bayoneted babies in ww one, and iraqis murdered babies in kuwait and on and on. most all of this crap was later revealed to be war based propaganda and it works because most humans don't like to think but feel fine hating whoever those in charge are targeting. it seems that the ones speaking about dead babies this time are israeli joos. do you suspect they may have a dog in the fight? this am i see that the biden thing has retracted his dead baby crap. when thinking about all of this consider what the israeli joos have been doing to palestinians for seventy five years. seems similar to what we did to the natives here but worse perhaps.

  21. The "squad" needs to be expelled from Congress for supporting terrorism. Ilhan Incestuous Omar and Rancid Labia need to be expelled from the country...along with their entire family. Since they support Hamas we should strap parachutes to them and air drop them into Gaza. They support Hamas, they can live(or die) with Hamas.

  22. This stupid bitch represents a district near where I live. It's full of muzzies that support everything arab and nothing American. Dearborn Mi may be the home of Ford but it now looks like a mid-east shit hole.

    1. Looks like ol' Hank Ford got his wish: He didn't want any Jews in Dearborn.

  23. When the jews get through with the muzlums , ask her how she feels about starting a fight with the wrong people.

  24. even the bidanco white house staff backed off on the baby slaughtering claims. try not to fall for every bit of jewish/israeli legerdemain. the six gorillion is down to 271,301, btw. now research when and how most died...

  25. It'd be a damn shame if the chaos she so adores provided cover enough that some decent American smoked her terrorist ass. Hell, considering the families slaughtered this past week, they might even conclude her entire family was a legitimate military target. That'd be a pity. I hope there's video...

  26. If a yeast infection had a face.


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