Wednesday, September 13, 2023



 This is a prime example of the tyrannical practices implemented by the "sitting powers that be"  to deter future opposition no matter how peaceful. Political prisoners are facing serious jail time for minor infractions.  Read this story and see how a mother and son were sentenced to FIVE years in prison for walking through an open door of the U.S. capitol building. Let this be note to future "rebels". Be sure to carry the necessary "sporting hardware" to upcoming demonstrations. -Jeffery

Eric Munchel (32) is a January 6th political prisoner along with his mother, Lisa Eisenhart (59). Eric escorted his mother to Washington, DC on January 6, 2021. They were one of over a million Trump supporters who came to Washington, DC to protest their grievances about the stolen presidential election. This action is guaranteed by the US Constitution.

According to The American Gulag website, a project of The Gateway Pundit, Eric Munchel entered the Capitol with a cell phone attached to his chest. He is pictured next to a mob of people who attacked two police officers and pursued them. Munchel admits to having a taser with him that day for self-protection and to protect his mother. He accompanied his mother, Lisa Eisenhart. Ms. Eisenhart wanted to attend President Trump’s rally and be part of the events of that day despite having an injured shoulder.







  1. After reading many stories about the terrible conditions in the District of Corruption jail, I am surprised the International Red Cross does not go in and do regular inspections to insure the prisoners are being treated in a humane manner.

  2. (sigh)

    The "stars" of the show, and all -- ALL -- those that applaud them. Call the colonial power that rules over the land of America "legitimate". Insist playing by their colonial rule is the RIGHT thing to do. That successfully bribing them away, this time, proves their own morality.

    Then wail for support, when they get what they demand -- colonial torture porn.

    When treatment as enslaved is all you will accept, as the path to "freedom!", sometimes you do get what you deserve.

  3. They were railroaded. OTOH he was carrying a non lethal weapon, visible restraining devices, and wearing body armor. In many cities wearing or even owning that is illegal, same with the taser. Like the people convicted of “being equipped for burglary “ because they have a prybar and a hammer on them or in their vehicle, it looks like he was convicted for a crime not yet committed. This is wrong.

    I really wish the awareness was forefront that the crowd was peaceful until the cops started gassing them and throwing flash bangs at them.

    And let’s see the real truth: if taking over the government was the objective, do you really believe that a couple dozen cops could have stopped hundreds of thousands of protesters? They could have torn the place to shreds and killed every government employee there, even with their bare hands.

    This is bs and we’ve known that since the beginning.

  4. Hope I'm there when the contempt THEY are breeding blows back on them.
    Should be epic.


  5. Christopher Worrell Write this down.

    Could be our first man with nothing left to lose

  6. There is a moral to all these Jan 6 stories. DO NOT, Repeat, DO FNing Not go to or near any event like this with any electronic device, including your cars. Any electronic communication device is trackable. And do NOT drive your POV's to these either. All the folks that just went to the gun ban event in Albuquerque and made a big issue about how the LEO's didn't mess with them. Its not just about the possible personal lawsuits due to immunity laws. Why go against 50-100 armed citizens at the rally. You can just wait a few days and show up at their homes with a 10 man SWAT team and arrest them or shoot them dead in the doorway while they are alone. Same goes with facial recognition, Masks are Good at these type events.

    1. A "moral""? If it takes no more than a handful, to eliminate a household, of the bad guys, what morality is served keeping those that will merely mince about in a pride parade, and betray said handful, out of the camps? And out of the way? Or is prideful mincing, nothing more, "Who 'we' are!"?

  7. Long drops on short ropes for all the "so called" judges,fbi, and all the congressional scum perpetuating this fraud.


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