Friday, September 29, 2023

She'll Still Vote...and... Was Very Lucky At Picking Investment Winners....





 Net Worth <<<<



  1. yeah, kind of easy to do when people in the "know" tell you where to put your money to make money.
    it is kind of weird how damn near everyone in congress makes millions in a very short time now, isn't it ?
    and to think after all of that, she still had to sit in her own shit and piss until someone changed her depends.
    I just hope they don't do a Macshitstain kind of deal where she lays in state and everyone lies about how "wonderful" she was. that shit is way over the top and I am damn glad I got rid of my Tv set 25 years ago.
    enough of the stupid shit. this country is done. it just a matter of when the wheels really fall off. dave in pa.

    1. "she lays in state and everyone lies about how "wonderful" she was"

      The body wasn't yet cold and they were extolling her "virtues".

      I knew this woman was destined for great things when she claimed that she "stuck her fingers in the bullet holes" in Ed Moscone's and Harvey Milk's bodies.

      What kind of ghoul does a thing like that and admits it? Only a Demonrat.


    2. Or else yet another self promoting fabulist. As I understand it FJB stuck his fingers in Abe Lincoln’s bullet holes and that was when he knew that gun violence was all the fault of MAGA Republicans and we needed to outlaw weapons of war.

  2. One valuable piece of shit.

  3. She married rich, I believe, and the (((Husband))) enjoyed many of those sweet, sweet no-bid contracts with the gubmint. It leaked out awhile back and quickly vanished.

  4. I am warmed by the thought that all that money, all those possessions and all that power couldn't buy that foul bitch another breath today.

  5. Oh. Anybody have an idea who is going to inherit that .38 she carried for the last 30 years, while doing her damnedest to disarm everyone but the elite?

  6. Don't dance on her grave. It's unbecoming of civilised people. Besides, there is a more virulent strain of commie in line to take her place. Younger, blacker and apt to make her policy stances conservative by comparison. Direct your hate to the future.

    1. I'm still going to fart in her general direction.

    2. I wouldn’t dance on her grave…the place is going to be a piss swamp.

    3. Everyone who’s currently happy to see her go will soon be wishing it were still her instead of her absolutely awful successor…. except the successor of course who will be pretty happy about how things have turned out.

    4. I won't dance on her grave. But I will piss on it.
      Who has the nearest beer consession?
      Or do I have to bring my own?

      President Elect B Woodman

    5. Census that was a good comment, about all she is worth.

  7. Vote!? The Gavin will appoint her the "new" senator from California. Can't be President after The Sniffer, if he's a misogynist! Or a less than giddily enthusiastic boomer licker. 90 is the new 30! Still more conscious than Fetterman! Would you rather Hillary? Again?

  8. Let her burn bright in the flames for eternity

  9. You should only say good things about dead people.
    Diane Feinstein is dead.


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