Wednesday, August 23, 2023

♫♪♫ Today's Earworm... You Can't Escape It.. You're Welcome...♫♪♫



  1. I used to start humming TV theme songs from the sixties or seventies at work on Friday afternoons just before quitting time. Andy Griffith, McHale's Navy, Green Acres, Mr. Ed, I mixed it up. Had a colleague who would come in some Monday mornings, look into my office and just say, "I hate you".

    Mission Accomplished.

  2. The "Kennel ration" song sticks real good. "My dog's better than your dog my dog's better than yours... "

  3. This guy has a couple videos matching songs with cat's. Check em out.

    1. more than a couple. he's got whole youtube chanel of them.

  4. This is what the internet was like in 1997

  5. Are you going to teach that to Cesar for life performance?

  6. Had a cat here on Kauai that would clime the roof, lean over the fascia and say hello. Would wake me up and I would look at his upside down face and knew I had to get my ass outta bed and feed him. If that didn't work he would yell OW ! Till I became his servant/slave. They can mind meld too


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