Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Rolling Out A Few Memes....


Been busy.... be back later....


  1. 81 million my ass!

  2. Some people like Taco Tuesday. I like Meme Day. Regarding pic# 1 the disparity in people supporting the candidates, when are REPUBLICANS going the fix the voting measures so IDs and signature verifications are MANDATORY? And how about a reasonable number of days to vote? Such as 1 or 2? Georgia, are you listening?

    1. If this election crap continues, I would say we're done with the ballot box.

    2. Well hell, Bob.
      Them republicans will get right on that right after they get rid of them 87,000 irs agents.
      Shee-it! Only thing McCarthy ever fought for was his job.

  3. "When in the Course of human events,..."

  4. Don't forget VJ day Irish
    Backwoods Okie

  5. Meme #4

    They'll keep doing these things and more until we kill them.

  6. Bob.. The issue is Most of Congress is UNIPARTY and whether Dem or Republican they are the same. Only a few Republicans are true conservatives. We need to replace all Dems, and most Republicans who do not follow conservative values of following the Constitution.

  7. On "how stupid do they think we are" that's not the point. The much better point is "they" meaning the Cabal DOES NOT CARE of their criminal behavior because they 100% know they did, they are now and they will get away with it. The Law will do nothing. No investigation, no showing up to court and no going to prison. That's why the fraud is in your face because they don't care that we know they are criminal they know nothing will be done.

    1. yup. that is why I pray for good old Vlad to drop a nuke on that shithole. they don't care if we know. it all about power and how stupid the 'people" are. and after the virus scam, they learned that most people are really stupid.
      they think that even if the people do wake up to just how bad they are getting screwed, they never do anything about it or the ones doing the screwing. J6 scared the shit out of a lot of them, but just image how it would have gone if they showed up with arms ? but I don't think that will ever happen.
      shame, really as that might be the only thing that could save the country. dave in pa.

  8. There's the story of Jesus whipping money changers, flipping their tables and driving them out of the temple. He saw it was no longer a place of worship. The Pharisees in charge took their cuts, greased palms and traded favors. They were so pissed off at what Jesus did, they fabricated a litany of lies and phony charges to get the Jews to accept a criminal over Him and get Him crucified by the Romans.

    Cut to two thousand years later, and substitute Donald Trump, Washington D.C., the Republican party, lobbyists, lawyers, phony litigation and charges, and the lying media.... Pretty much the same story right down to the ignorant people to accept a criminal over Trump.
    (Coincidentally, both criminals names start with B)

  9. they think we are just as stupid as they are. It is called projection...


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