Saturday, August 5, 2023

Must Have Spectacular 28,000,000 Years Ago...

 Within Colorado is one of the largest supervolcanoes on the planet. Although it is extinct, its eruptions were responsible for vast quantities of gold, silver, and other precious metals. The supervolcano  is called the La Garita Caldera, which produced an eruption 5,000 times larger than the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens. This video will discuss this fascinating volcanic system, and state how it formed.







  1. I'm sure it only erupts in response to man-made climate. LOL

  2. all dates and time frames verified by kieth richards, who was there.

  3. Thank you. I use this example on clueless GW fanatics. Not that it does any good. They don't realize it but they are a cult, not smarty pants scientists. Most believe in GW but do not believe in God.

  4. Good stuff Maynard but does it supersede your geologist video of a while back


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