Friday, August 4, 2023

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago......

























Stay safe out there and enjoy the weekend!! 







  1. Another magnificent collection!
    I recognize Bo at 42 and 101 is Tony (or Anna) Song. The other ladies, I wish I knew.
    Great collection of vehicles as well! The Corsair if fantastic! 107 is a 1976 Buick Electra. I learned to drive on a '73 two-door and I owned a '79 Electra Limited with those same Buick mag wheels.
    Cool pics of Clint with the Duke and George Kennedy as well!
    That Kmart pic is old-school; days gone by!
    Keep up the great work!

  2. Apt plate on #57! Florida man strikes yet again!

  3. Nice silhouette on 18, possibly the only thing better than sex on 20, noble sentiment on 41, 144, I remember when they didn't have the broad on the can, 83 forgot the late 40s, nice uplift on 90, 91, nice undercarriage on 98, 123, nice wiggle on 119, tell 120 I'm coming, nice spigots on 129, milk's ready on 134.

  4. I suddenly have an overpowering urge for a Tuna Sandwich for some reason.
    Another one outta the park pal.
    God Bless You.

  5. What a way to end the week (or start the weekend)! Thanks, Irish!

  6. Bo Derek, Billy Jack, Band-Aids in a tin... yeah, I'm old.
    #83 - so not old?
    #107 - One of the best movies ever
    #120 - It's a ruse; garbage disposal is stuck again
    Nope, not going to Hooters. There are better places for wings anyway.
    - Mr. Mayo

  7. #61: Considering how much my dog values my life, that wouldn't be a hard choice to make at all.

  8. A change of pace this week. Lot's of food, cars, clothed ladies and a couple of those eyes, especially that red head at #65. That's death right there. The gifs did, however, make up for the modesty on display this week. Then we had Bo Derek, Sigourney Weaver and Cameron Diaz in revealing semitransparent blouses to add a couple of name brand goddesses to the rest.

    Can someone please explain what's going with the tree at #124? I don't get it.

    Thanks and have a great weekend.


    1. @Nemo, re: The tree.
      Right click and open the picture in a new tab then blow it way up.
      It's giant Redwood and there is a guy at the bottom sticking his head in a hole...
      Gives you a good idea just how big that tree really was.

    2. Thanks. That's a hell of a big tree.

    3. Those holes are actually bore cuts. He has a saw in there to get the middle cut up.

  9. 1 - Nope, I'm good. See you when you get here.
    2 - BLOCK CALLER. Better yet would be to DELETE them. Forever.
    3 - That is disturbing.
    6 - Not Fair. The Old Lady brought home take out burgers and fries. Not even close to optimal.
    8 - I remember when.
    13 - OK. I get #3, now.
    14 - Oh, how I would love to see more of her.
    17 - Looks pleasant and comfy.
    27 - The rims threw me off. At first I thought it was a Firebird with a 67 RS Camaro nose.
    42 - Oh, I know her.......
    54 - Obviously, they've never hunted feral hogs before. 30 rounds is just the first volley. Helicopters help, as well.
    55 - My POTN
    56 - MFour-gery. Why people still insist on the Gov profile barrel is beyond me. Just ads weight without an M203.
    57 - And certain people say Yankees are stupid. OK, well they are. Northerners, not so much.
    58 - F4U Corsair Pappy loved them.
    60 - I still have a couple of those cans around here, somewhere.
    63 - Biscuits and Sausage Gravy. Nothing better.
    67 - WITAFIT? Ghetto 9N? NO!
    68 - I'd live there. If the 'skeeters aren't too bad.
    77 - Other than the cross brand in-breeding, that is cool AF.
    79 - Willys CJ3B
    87 - I love that look.
    89 - My MILF of the Night
    97 - That must have been a GREAT night!
    102 - DANGER! Craaaaaaaaaazzzzyyyyyyy! Mmm, but kind of hot. Maybe I could, just. Aw damn. I did it again......
    105 - W10 Volkswagon prototype engine. Made 500HP / 406lb-ft of torque.

    106 - I understand why the Alien wanted to eat Ripley. I get it.
    108 - I think I saw that shovel get rescued from the hills of Montana. Can't remember the show name.
    109 - In the mid-1920's, the Full Crawler Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin made a track conversion for Fordson tractors, which became popular with loggers. They sold more than 88,000 of these "Trackson" kits before being bought out by the Caterpillar Tractor Company in 1930.
    110 - Wow. POTN 2nd Alternate.
    116 - Would you look at that. A Maverick. And not one of these new atrocities, either.
    118 - The old girl threw a track and apparently wasn't worth fixing. An ignoble end for such equipment.
    120 - Ask me no questions....... Fortunately, for me, my neighbor doesn't look like that.
    122 - Better.
    124 - They used to have cross-cut hand saws that would reach all the way across. When men were made of steel.
    127 - Hypnotic.......
    131 - Which one? My bad knee or my worse knee?
    133 - A very young Lynda Carter after winning the 1972 Miss Arizona title.
    136 - I like Cameron Diaz more as a brunette.
    136 - I agree with ya darlin' Hot, hot, hot!
    140 POTN 1st Alternate

    Must be getting on to Fall.
    A lot of chilly looking young ladies this week.

    Hope the storms rolled through your area without too much damage.
    We had a lot of rain and thunder, but no high winds this time.
    Have a good weekend, Boss. Hope things are getting better.
    Be well.

    Whitehall, NY

  10. Towards the end...
    When the neighbor sends me a pic like this what do I do?

  11. #4 Dammit Irish, that’s a tough choice

  12. The band Coven did the title song for Billy Jack. Still one of my favorites. Some nice desserts there. Thanks Irish, more Pontiacs please.

  13. Fine job TFI. The 71 Barracuda in the KMart parking lot, those were some good days. Nice titties too.


  15. The Garden of Earthly delights. Keep up the good work!

  16. Went to a Hooters in Ohio where the waitresses were landwhales like those. Imagine my surprise when it when out of business inside of six months.

  17. #5: Dear Santa, ran out of cookies.

  18. Lot's of good stuff...anybody notice the six taillights on the mid-year Stingray?

  19. Awesome, "you made my day."
    Thank you.
    Bear in Indy

  20. Nice line-up!
    82 - Thunderbolt & Lightfoot: I will have to watch this again!
    89: My newest "fun ride" crush!
    120: I'd State Farm that one! (Like a good neighbor, State Farm is THERE!)

    Semper Fi from Rocket City

  21. Hey Irish... long time fan here...wife and I enjoy your site. Where can we submit some nice discreet photos for possible inclusion to FFF? You won't be disappointed...

    1. Hi Lone Wolf. My email is on the sidebar.


  22. Beautiful Bo Derek and Cammeron Diaz

  23. #120 : Real: Showed it to my wife, she and a few neighbor ladies went to /discuss/ it with her. Within the week, she moved out of state. Don't mess with my marriage!


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