Friday, July 21, 2023

♫♪♫ Try That In A Small Town..... ♫♪♫





  1. Nice camo. I kinda like my gillie though I can stay on the ground and mobile.

  2. I wonder whether the idiots in blm and antifa will take it up as a challenge

    1. We couldn't be that lucky...


    2. Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please.

    3. Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please

      Especially those patriot front Antofagasta fags

  3. First pic:
    "Y'all hurry up. I got a pie in the oven."

  4. Camo is important. Around here if you get more than a 200 yard shot, you're in a tree stand overlooking a farmer's field or powerline access. With predator targets it's not the kill, it's the disposal that's the problem. Hogs can only eat so much at one sitting.

    Hunting over bait has always been my predator control. Why change what works :-).

  5. When I heard the Country Music Awards, whatever the hell they ran this week, banned it, I looked up the lyrics. Right on and notice, Antifa hasn't ventured into the hinterlands AT ALL because they know FAFO awaits. (I really don't think Kenosha counts as a small town, at almost 100K population). I live in a similar sized city population wise. It doesn't classify as small IMHO.

    We do however have Constitutional Carry which helps keep the riffraff at bay.

    They held an antifa/BLM march/rally here when all of the festivities were happening in the large Demonrat shitholes around the country. About a hundred marched and 200-300 were standing on the sidewalks silently watching, well maybe more like glaring and the local constabulary was out in force.

    I think they got the message. They never held another one.


  6. Jason Aldean is nothing but a little punk who wants people to look at him - and the media has given him a stage...... Je was all anti gun at the Vegas shooting but look at him now. Weren't so tough when a sniper cut loose were ya?



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