Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Mic Drop....








  1. Absolutely no hesitation.
    This kid is going to be fine.

  2. Wicked fast comeback.
    That kid's going to be rich and famous, if he survives puberty.

  3. Proudest dad on earth.

    1. And got in trouble for laughing.

  4. And a stand up comedian is born!

  5. A happy ending but could have ended with shots fired. Some folks have less impulse control than that smart mouthed kid who learned it from his parents, I bet.

    I had a road rager follow me just yesterday, gesturing wildly. I could have stopped to face off with an unknown threat but I chose to drive over to my local police station, where the rager fled.

    Often that proverb is correct:

    Proverbs 15

    1 A gentle answer turns away wrath,
    but a harsh word stirs up anger.

    2 The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge,
    but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.

    Bragging I carry and .... just ensures you get a chance to roll the dice to see whose faster and more accurate AND then the medical bills and lawyering up.

    1. Well said Michael! Couldn't have said it better myself. Others would do well to listen and learn.

    2. Settle down, Karen.
      It's a joke. My guess is it never happened and was a set up humor video.

    3. Settle down coward hiding behind anon. Such stupid behaviors occur daily and sometimes the feral make it expensive.

  6. Later moms going to reward dad with the same thing for raising him so well


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