Thursday, June 1, 2023







  1. COFFEE: Because murder is SO messy!

    1. Don't forget the amount of paperwork required...

  2. I prefer bacon, eggs, and toast with my morning apple/orange juice.
    Being highly allergic to beans "helps".

  3. Stainless Steel Coffee CarafeJune 1, 2023 at 11:12 AM

    The Sack-N-Save had a cart full of Folgers for $2.50 each, picked up two at lunch, cart was gone at supper.
    It is not the wake your azz up mofo blend for early morning, slowing down caffeine intake due to insane heat and dry atmosphere.
    Now brewing up some of that wakey wakey blend.

  4. TFIF. Not that Friday is any different than any other day when you're retired, mostly. Nemo

  5. Reading a book about Sir Ernest Shackleton, his expedition to the Antarctic, the sinking of his ice bound ship and the unprecedented and lengthy survival ordeal for his entire crew (no man lost, but the dogs and one cat sadly had to be shot as stores of everything dwindled). No mention yet of the coffee ration, though over the 15 months of desperation one would imagine that at some point there was no mo Joe.

    Interesting factoid: Shackleton was Irish.

  6. Anon at 2:40pm
    I believe the plan all along was to shoot the dogs for food. Didn't know about the cat. Amazing story.
    We had three cats at work: one super skinny, one of normal weight, one humungous butterball. I often told the fat one that when SHTF, we were gonna eat him last. Shit, dusty in here...

    WTH does AGFMTYT mean? My AI refuses to give me more than a sanitized, polite definition. Dammit.

    1. A good fucking morning to you too. My guess. Irish.


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