Sunday, June 11, 2023

As if sharks, jellyfish, sandspurs, riptides, and blistering sand were not enough


Don't get me wrong. I like to visit the "Redneck Riviera" (L.A. Gulfshores, Orange Beach, PCB,  Pensacola,  Mexico Beach, etc.) and get a little sand in my shoes or between my toes from time to time. I was more or less taking a jab at people who plan their entire vacations around a beach trip only to arrive and constantly gripe about what is wrong with the beach. I expect minor inconveniences, and think seeing a bear while at the beach would be a new high water mark. Besides, a change of scenery is good for the soul now and again.

For more information on this story with additional video, click HERE


  1. Hey Jeffrey;

    My brother lives in Santa Rosa less than a mile from the beach which is is between PCB and Destin and they have a bear problem, the bear has torn up the fence into his patio several times so they have had to put up an electrical fence. They are forbidden by the game wardens from busting a cap on the bears unless there is clear danger to a resident of their subdivision. All the construction has destroyed the habitat of said bears.

    1. Too much unregulated growth is destroying Florida. I wish there were restrictive impact fees on immigrants and developers.

    2. You seem to have the wrong impression of what impact fees do.
      Impact fees only make citizens broker and gov't richer and nothing good comes from any of it.
      I'm an architect that has been designing buildings in southwest Florida since 1972.
      For reasons I can't understand many people STILL believe gov't is a responsible, accountable entity that exists for the benefit of the citizenry. They couldn't be more wrong. And they vote.

    3. I propose impact fees that are so painful that northerners will stop coming to Florida, alien immigrants will not be able to move here (See Kissimmee and Orlando) and the people that are pushing new construction make it so unprofitable they will go elsewhere. Give real Floridians a break on Flood and Property insurance and let invaders pay higher fees. Want to rape so wetlands to build enother ticky tacky subdivision? Make the developers built the roads, schools, infrastructure and pay the salaries of the additional first responders needed.

      If it stems the influx of the great unwashed masses and makes the developers and real estate moguls want to do business elsewhere, that's a plus.

      Put it in the constitution that new comers do not have the right to for state wide offices for 10 years.

  2. Oh a BEAR beach!
    I thought you meant a NUDE beach.

  3. That's a salty bear!

  4. What's wrong with the panhandle is that for a good part of the year it's often overrun with tourists, especially northerners, it's loud, the traffic sucks and it's like Mogadishu when Black Spring Break is in town..

    Other than that, it's perfect.

    1. That's right! As I've grown older, I have realised that late mid to late fall is the time to go to the beach (though we might go any day of the year). The weather is cooler with less humidity. The gulf is as warm as it is ever going to get. Rooms are at a premium price because it technically is "off season". Also, almost the entire gulf coast is alive with seafood/shrimp festivals where delicious seafood awaits at super prices. I wouldn't take my kids or grands during Shaka-Zulu time EVER!

  5. I’ve traveled the globe and have seen more bears in Florida than any other state. Close second, New Jersey. Who’da thunk? Eod1sg Ret

  6. Who's going to deny a bear a little swim, sun, sand, and surf?

    President Elect B Woodman

  7. One more reason TDYs to Tyndall, Eglin were so enjoyable.

  8. and all the morons just couldn't leave it alone

  9. I haven't been to the panhandle or the gulf shores in about 7 years but before that I was there about every year for about a 9 year period due to business. I never saw any bears in any of the areas of from US98 south of Tallahassee to Panama City, Destin, Pensacola, and Gulf Shores.

    1. A few years ago my wife and I were heading west towards Apalachicola and in Carrebelle my wife mentioned all the bear caution signs. Stating that we had not seen a bear in years of traveling 98 we were surprised about 30 seconds later with a mother and three cubs meandering down the road. I got out and shot a few photos, the bears scurried up a nearby tree, and we were on out way.

  10. As if beach bears aren't bad enough, try out the bull sharks up in the fresh water rivers down here. I've run into more than a few up pretty far into the Escambia River.

  11. Beach blanket bear bingo.

    President Elect B Woodman


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